Comparison of way Indonesians and international authors use citation style, author stance, and reporting verb in journal articles for the field of applied linguistics and language education
Start Date
27-3-2021 9:45 AM
End Date
27-3-2021 10:00 AM
In academic texts such as theses, dissertations, essays, papers, and journal articles, authors need to cite the works of others to support their claims about the importance of their writing. When citing other people's work, the author uses the citation style, verb reporting and the author's stance to include information in their text. However, non-native authors such as Indonesian authors who write in English can use reporting verbs, citation styles, and the stance of certain authors when to cite other works in English texts which may be different from those in English texts by international authors.
The aim of this research is to investigate the comparison of citation styles, author positions and reporting verbs used by Indonesian and international authors. This research is a comparative descriptive study. The object of this research is a research article published in national journals and international journals in the field of applied linguistics and language education in the past 10 years, which consisted of 10 introduction research articles for each journal. The data in this study were taken using a checklist and documentation. It is hoped that through this comparison, it can be seen the differences in the way Indonesian and international authors using reporting verbs, citation styles, and the author stance in journal articles in the field of applied linguistics and language education.
Recommended Citation
Sueb, H. M. (2021, March). Comparison of way Indonesians and international authors use citation style, author stance, and reporting verb in journal articles for the field of applied linguistics and language education. Presented at the Postgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning: Re-Imagining Postgraduate Studies in the 21st Century and Beyond. Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
Comparison of way Indonesians and international authors use citation style, author stance, and reporting verb in journal articles for the field of applied linguistics and language education
In academic texts such as theses, dissertations, essays, papers, and journal articles, authors need to cite the works of others to support their claims about the importance of their writing. When citing other people's work, the author uses the citation style, verb reporting and the author's stance to include information in their text. However, non-native authors such as Indonesian authors who write in English can use reporting verbs, citation styles, and the stance of certain authors when to cite other works in English texts which may be different from those in English texts by international authors.
The aim of this research is to investigate the comparison of citation styles, author positions and reporting verbs used by Indonesian and international authors. This research is a comparative descriptive study. The object of this research is a research article published in national journals and international journals in the field of applied linguistics and language education in the past 10 years, which consisted of 10 introduction research articles for each journal. The data in this study were taken using a checklist and documentation. It is hoped that through this comparison, it can be seen the differences in the way Indonesian and international authors using reporting verbs, citation styles, and the author stance in journal articles in the field of applied linguistics and language education.