Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Philosophy (MPHIL)


Social Sciences


Government and International Affairs

First Advisor

Prof. ZHANG Baohui

Second Advisor

Prof. TAM Wai Keung


In examining the external intervention in order to promote democratization after the Cold War, there have been five kinds of conflicts (transition to independence, the civil war, the ethnic conflict, removing the dictatorship, and the ‘war on terror’) necessitating international interventions. While the foreign interveners attempt to solve the conflict by promoting democracy in the target society, the nature of these contexts complicates the mission and the ‘transitional phases’. Specifically, this thesis suggested that the elite composition of different contexts will affect the formation of elite consensus. Meanwhile, their difficulty in forming elite consensus can be arranged in ascending order: Transition to independence, Removing dictatorship, Civil war, Ethnic conflict/ War on terror. This thesis concluded three major aspects that concern by the elites in the target society during democratic transitions. They are the guarantee of future access to power, the means of sustaining their position in democratic government, and the relative power distribution in the short term after adopting democracy.



Recommended Citation

Ho, P. S. R. (2022). Democratization by foreign intervention: How different causes of intervention affect the outcome of democratization? (Master's thesis, Lingnan University, Hong Kong). Retrieved from
