其他篇名 Alternative Title
From whence comes the wind? Transformations of the concept of Fengyu from admonition and instruction to analogy and satire
摘要 Abstract
The ancestral peoples of China long ago recognized two major characteristics of wind: its local nature, and its ability to guide or lead [things]. From this, they developed “wind” as a metaphor for the dissemination of virtue, extending its meaning to that of influence and transmission. Based on these natural attributes, the “Great Preface to the Classic of Poetry” identifies as dual functions of poetry [comprised most prominently by the airs or “winds” feng of the individual states] the civilizing of the people and the admonishment of the ruler, respectively, serving as a unique cultural resource for communication between upper and lower social classes. Through this, “wind” became imbued with poetic significance, and concepts like “wind admonition or remonstrance,” which was commonly used by writers of the Han Dynasty, also gained certain poetic implications. Regarding “wind admonition,” it was initially employed to signify the central government’s moral guidance to local regions, especially border areas, transitioning later during the reigns of Emperor Xuan of Han and Liu Xin to represent subjects’ remonstrance to the ruler. Subsequently, Zheng Xuan (127 – 200) integrated the Han era “five admonitions following instruction” with the idea of analogy based in the classical terminology of simile [bi] and stimulus or metaphor [xing], forming the “admonition with analogy” theory. This emphasizes the political and educational aspects as well as the rhetorical nature of poetry, and exerted broad influence during the medieval period. Bai Juyi (772 – 846) further introduced the concept of “satirical poetry,” emphasizing the directness of poetic language while highlighting the political and pedagogical functions of poetry, which contrasted sharply with the “wind admonition” interpretation that dominated the traditional study of the Classic of Poetry. These two perspectives together constitute two different dimensions of the theory of fengyu as admonition with instruction or metaphor that arose in the Song and Ming dynasties.
關鍵詞 Keywords
諷翁, 諷諫, 《毛詩大序》, 鄭玄, 白居易, Admonition, Remonstrance, Maoshi daxu, Zheng Xuan, Bai Juyi
語言 Language
Chinese (Traditional)
版權聲明 Copyright Statement
共享創意條款 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
參考書目格式 Recommended Citation
程蘇東 (2024)。風自何方來? : 諷諭説的形成與演變。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第二十二輯,頁151-172。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol22/iss1/9