其他篇名 Alternative Title
The evolution of the category of “yun” and the modern development of the “Shenyun theory”
摘要 Abstract
The term “yun” originally referred to the harmony of sounds. During the Wei and Jin periods, it evolved into an inclusive term for evaluating people, paintings, and literary works. It combined with other qualifiers to form composite concepts and gradually became an important category in Chinese literary criticism. Song Dynasty scholars systematically explained “yun” and elevated it to the highest realm of literary art. Fan Wen, in particular, built a relatively complete system of the category of “yun” in his “Qianxi Poetry Eyes” with “yun as the lingering/extra meaning” and “yun as the ultimate beauty” as his core concepts. From the Yuan Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty, Wang Shizhen absorbed the poetic resources of his predecessors like Sikong Tu, Yan Yu, Lu Shiyong and others, and held high the banner of “shenyun theory”, which became the most important and influential form of the development of the “yun” category in modern times. The aesthetic ideal pursued by “yun” involves deriving meaning from beyond the explicit words, and it is not only evident in ancient China but is also widely present in other cultural contexts. It can be regarded as a common aesthetic orientation of humanity more generally.
關鍵詞 Keywords
韻, 氣韻, 神韻説, 范温, 王士旗, “Yun” (ryhme, resonance), “Qiyun” (vital resonance), “Shenyun” (spirit resonance) theory, Fan Wen, Wang Shizhen
語言 Language
Chinese (Traditional)
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
參考書目格式 Recommended Citation
侯體健 (2024)。“韻”範疇的衍化脉絡與“神韻説”的近世展開。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第二十二輯,頁133-148。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol22/iss1/8