其他篇名 Alternative Title
Literary virtue : a moral cornerstone of chinese literary theory
摘要 Abstract
Literary Virtue is the basic point of the writer’s theory in Chinese literary theory. It runs through the history of Chinese literary theory for thousands of years and forms a Chinese literary tradition that advocates virtue. Literati played an important role in social governance and civilization inheritance. Therefore, there are particularly strict requirements for the moral quality of literati. Literary and artistic creation naturally advocates spiritual freedom that transcends rules and gets rid of constraints. The two constitute an inner conflict gave rise to the proposition that “literati lack morals”. Traditional literary criticism emphasizes Literary Virtue from the front, with morality as the main priority and literature as a supplement, with clear priorities. In the face of different social and cultural status quo, and based on different ideological positions, the understanding of Literary Virtue is different. Some advocate scholars to put capacity and insight first and the literary arts second, or emphasize the “not be vulgar” character of literati, or advocate “rectifying inner nature and emotions” to rationalize and correct emotions, and to channel and correct the expression of emotions. In the Ming and Qing dynasties, poems and essays concerned about the world and caring for the people by men of ambition were admired. Their personal feelings were closely related to social suffering and the drastic changes of the times. The connotation of traditional Literary Virtue theory developed and changed with time and place. Contemporary Chinese literary theory should have a new era of Literary Virtue theory.
關鍵詞 Keywords
文德, 文人無行, 不俗, 志士之詩, Literary virtue, Literati lack morals, Not be vulgar, The Poetry of men of ambition
語言 Language
Chinese (Traditional)
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共享創意條款 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
參考書目格式 Recommended Citation
周興陸 (2024)。文德 : 中國文論尚德精神的理論基石。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第二十二輯,頁35-57。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol22/iss1/4