其他篇名 Alternative Title
The generating and applying contexts of xu (emptiness) and shi (substance)
摘要 Abstract
Xu and shi are two important concepts in ancient Chinese literary theory, both of which have multiple meanings. The juxtaposition of xu as “emptiness” and “unreal” with shi as “substance” and “true” creates the binary opposition of xushi as a literary concept. This concept originated from the scholars’ discussions on the universe, life, and the ways of nature during the pre-Qin and Han periods. Confucians pointed out that “substance is called beauty;” and Taoists believed that “reaching the extremity of emptiness to maintain tranquility.” After being applied to literary theory, the philosophical concept transformed to be a creative method and a literary style. As creative methods, xushi refers to the choice of function and content words and sentences. It also refers to the choice of fictionalizing and documenting. As literary styles, xushi indicates various critical standards such as “intangible” and “substantial,” which can be used in evaluating poems, ci song lyrics, fictions, dramas, paintings, calligraphy and other artistic forms.
關鍵詞 Keywords
虛實, 充實, 虛静, 空靈, 質實, Emptiness and substance, fill-up, emptiness and tranquility, empty and numinous, density
語言 Language
Chinese (Traditional)
版權聲明 Copyright Statement
共享創意條款 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
參考書目格式 Recommended Citation
劉曉軍、姜俵容 (2024)。“虚實”範疇的生成語境與應用場景。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第二十二輯,頁173-192。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol22/iss1/10