"由“子”入經 : 從清華簡《繫年》重探《左傳》的源流與定位" by Kam Siu CHEUNG (張錦少)

其他篇名 Alternative Title

From “Private Learning” to “Official Classics” : reexamining the historical development and nature of Zuozhuan from the perspective of Tsinghua Xinian manuscript

摘要 Abstract


Xinian (String of Years) is the most notable excavated historical manuscript from the state of Chu. Since its publication by the renowned Tsinghua University (China) in 2008, most scholars have expended their efforts in character identification, linguistic analysis, historical reconstruction, and textual collation. The results are indeed impressive. After confirming the date of its composition and its content, a further step could be taken to compare it with the Zuozhuan, one of the fountainheads of Chinese historiography contemporaneous with Xinian. Such a comparison, this article argues, could help us understand the nature, the prehistory, and the early development of Zuozhuan. As such, by comparing the intentions and stances of the two narrative texts, this article infers that Xinian was a textbook designed for the nobles in the southern state of Chu. It was produced by court historians/archivists who selected and organized historical events to serve didactic purposes. In other words, Xinian was the product of official learning. After being absorbed into Zuozhuan, however, the materials there were used by intellectuals outside the court. Thus, Zuozhuan represented private learning at first. And it was eventually transformed into a classic after being absorbed into the official institutions at court in the Han-Wei period. In summary, this article offers a new understanding of the early development and shifting nature of Zuozhuan from the perspective Xinian.

關鍵詞 Keywords

《繫年》, 《左傳》, 王官之學, 諸子之學, 經學, 史學, Xinian (String of Years), Zuozhuan, Official Learning, Private Learning, Classical Studies, Historiography

語言 Language

Chinese (Traditional)

版權聲明 Copyright Statement


共享創意條款 Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

參考書目格式 Recommended Citation

張錦少 (2023)。由“子”入經 : 從清華簡《繫年》重探《左傳》的源流與定位。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第十七輯,頁77-108。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol17/iss1/4
