其他篇名 Alternative Title
On the development of the concept of Bi xing in the Tang Dynasty : with Shige as the focus
摘要 Abstract
The concept of bi xing (analogical and affective image) evolves with the dynamic relation between the original meaning and the derived meaning. Its development in the Tang dynasty could be examined better in Shige (Rules of Poetry), then prevailing poetic manual, than in the writings of Chen Zi’ang, Yin Fan, and others which have attracted most attention, as the former contains the discussions of different types of xing such as qi xing (image that raises the affect) and gan xing (image that stirs the affect). This article avoids explaining the early concept in terms of later usage and modern understanding. By situating the concept in its context in the Tang dynasty, the article analyzes how Tang poets viewed xing (affective image) as the beginning of poetry, more importantly, the original balladic qi xing and the relation between heart and thing, especially the type of gan xing where the thing stirs the heart, as considerably emphasized by modern scholars.
關鍵詞 Keywords
唐代, 詩格, 比興, 感興, 起興, Tang dynasty, Shige (Rules of Poetry), bi xing (analogical and affective image), gan xing (image that stirs the affect), qi xing (image that raises the affect)
語言 Language
Chinese (Traditional)
版權聲明 Copyright Statement
共享創意條款 Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
參考書目格式 Recommended Citation
張万民 (2021)。唐代比興觀辨析 : 以詩格爲中心。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第十四輯,頁173-193。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol14/iss1/7
備註 Additional Information
本文的研究受到香港研究資助局“優配研究金”(General Research Fund)的資助(項目號:CityU 11602215)。