
其他篇名 Alternative Title

On the narrative principles of Qunshu zhiyao's selection of Shiji

摘要 Abstract


Qunshu zhiyao (The Governing Principles of Ancient China) , compiled by Wei Zheng and others under the order of Emperor Taizong of the Tang dynasty, aimed to exhort virtues and punish vice. Qunshu zhiyao was only able to include those that were helpful to the regime. The texts as admonitions to later generations included in Qunshu zhiyao were the Confucius classics or written by ancient sages, covering the period from the Five Emperors to the Jin dynasty. “Zhiyao” in its title emphasizes the purpose of this book. Among the sixty-five classics selected into Qunshu zhiyao, Volume Eleven to Thirty are records of history, including six books of history: one and a half volumes of Shiji ( Record of the Grand Historian), half of a volume of Wu-Yue Chunqiu (Spring and Autumn Annals of Wu and Yue), eight volumes of Hanshu (Book of Han), four volumes of Houhanshu (Book of the Later Han), four volumes of Sanguo zhi (Records of the Three Kingdoms) and two volumes of Jinshu (Book of Jin). Two out of the six surviving volumes of the eight-volume Hanshu were among the lost volumes of Qunshu zhiyao. Shiji, a record of five hundred and twenty-six thousand five hundred words, covers three thousand years of history from the Yellow Emperor to Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty, while the eight-hundred-thousand-word Hanshu only records the history of two hundred years of the Western Han dynasty. The conspicuous contrast between the quantities of texts of Shiji and Hanshu selected into Qunshu zhiyao is the focus of this paper, which discusses Qunshu zhiyao’s principles and spirit in including and excluding the volumes of Shiji and how they demonstrate the Qunshu zhiyao’s aims to exhort virtues and punish vice.

關鍵詞 Keywords

群書治要, 史記, 互見文獻, 類書, 治國之道, Qunshu zhiyao (The Governing Principles of Ancient China), Shiji (Record of the Grand Historian), parallel passages, leishu (category book) governmentality

語言 Language

Chinese (Traditional)

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

參考書目格式 Recommended Citation

潘銘基 (2021)。論《群書治要》去取《史記》之敘事原則。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第十四輯,頁149-171。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol14/iss1/6
