
其他篇名 Alternative Title

Closer to home : a Hanlin academician writes about persons outside the educated class

摘要 Abstract

洪邁 (1123—1202) 身世顯赫,身爲翰林學士與朝中史官,以《容齋随筆》見稱於世,卻編纂了卷軼浩瀚、多達三十二本集子的志怪小説集《夷堅志》。其所收集的故事往往牵涉到商人,以及階層更低的士兵、屠夫、侍從、娼妓等,是宋代菁英文人筆下很少見到的人物。而這些故事不是洪邁憑空虚構的,絶大多數來自知情人的口述,有些是洪邁的親友,不少在結尾處記下知情人的姓名與官職,身份可考證,足見提供消息的人真實可靠。因這些故事不像一般文學作品那麽程式化,筆下的社會底層人物也就不那麼充滿刻板印象,讓我們可藉以窺見當時菁英文人對平民的一些認知與看法,有些是出於我們意料之外的。

Yijian zhi, the massive collection of supernatural tales compiled by Hong Mai ( 1123 — 1202) in the twelfth century, gives considerable attention to merchant figures and even members of more lowly walks of life (e.g., soldiers, butchers, waiters, and singing girls). This is unexpected since Hong Mai himself was not just an imperial official but a particularly eminent one, whose appointments included Hanlin academician and court historian. Appearing in the tales, sometimes even as protagonists, are members of society whom the superelite like Hong Mai seldom even mention in their conventional literary and scholarly writings. These Yijian zhi stories thus provide a glimpse of the ways that members of the socially and politically elite perceived persons of lowly social backgrounds. The fact that Hong Mai did not compose his stories from his own imagination but, rather, recorded tales told to him by informants, most of whom were also members of the elite, as well as his conviction that the tales narrate events that actually happened, however uncanny or “marvelous” they were, makes the collection even more valuable as a source for general upper-class perceptions. Once identified and examined, those perceptions by socially elite persons of contemporaries who did not have a classical education contain elements we might expect as well as those that may surprise us.

關鍵詞 Keywords

洪邁, 《夷堅志》, 商人, 騙子, 娼妓, 其他女性, Hong Mai, Yijian zhi, merchants, scam artists, singing girls, other women

語言 Language

Chinese (Traditional)

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

參考書目格式 Recommended Citation

艾朗諾、賈倩 (譯) (2020)。更近本真:一位翰林學士筆下的非文人階層。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第十三輯,頁73-98。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol13/iss1/4
