
其他篇名 Alternative Title

Multiple otherness : identity politics in the Taiping Civil War

摘要 Abstract

在太平天國戰争 (1851—1864) 期間及其結束後,“他者”這一概念被用來煽動與表述暴力,並且在這一過程中獲得了多種意義。本文集中於十九世紀與太平天國相關的話語與表述,來探討“他者”這一概念所藴藏的政治、道德以及文化内涵。首先,通過討論太平天國和清政府的政治宣傳,作者探究這兩個敵對政權如何各自構建其政治敵人。對於太平天國的身份建設而言,宗教與政治敵人的確立尤爲重要。其次,作者關注介於現實與想像之間的筆記小説中處於政治與社會邊緣的人物。這些人物穿越政治邊界,也因此在太平天國與清政府話語中所規定的“我們”與“他者”之外形成了“第三類别”。這些短篇故事中的作者對這些邊緣角色做出道德評價,因而將他們置於另一種與“他者”相關的敘事規範之中。最後,在奇幻與想像的疆域裏,企圖建構與調整政治與道德“他者”的努力被撤底質疑。總體而言,本文以在太平天國戰争之中及其結束後所産生的文學與文化爲對象,探討“他者”這一概念的多義性與有效性。

During and after the Taiping Civil War (1851 - 1864), the notion of the Other was implicated in the provocation and mediation of violence and, as a result, acquired a multitude of new meanings and manifestations. Focusing on the discourse surrounding the Taiping War, this article explores the multiple political, moral, and cultural implications embedded in the idea of otherness. Unpacking the propaganda discourse of both the Taiping rebels and the Qing government, the author investigates the making of the political enemy by opposing regimes. In particular, the construction of a religious and political enemy is vital to Taiping identity formation. The author focuses on marginal figures in historical and fictional accounts who traversed political boundaries and constitute a third category beyond demarcations of “us” and Other in Taiping propaganda and its Qing counterpart. In short stories, however, these figures are subject to moral judgment and thus subsumed under another form of normative narrative involving otherness. Only in the realm of fantasy and imagination are political and moral efforts to construct and modulate otherness finally called into question. This article explores the acute malleability of the Other during the violent and chaotic Taiping Civil War and in its aftermath.

關鍵詞 Keywords

太平天國戰爭, 政治話語, 身份, 第三類别, “自我即他者”, Taiping Civil War, political discourses, identity, the third category, self as an other

語言 Language

Chinese (Traditional)

備註 Additional Information

此文研究受到中國香港特别行政區傑出青年學者研究計劃支持 (HKUST Project No. 21614018)。

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Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

參考書目格式 Recommended Citation

金環 (2020)。多重他者 : 太平天國戰争時期的身份政治。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第十三輯,頁1-18。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol13/iss1/1
