
其他篇名 Alternative Title

Du Yaquan’s enlightenment rationality and eco-consciousness : the Ecological Age and East-West cultural exchanges

摘要 Abstract


Du Yaquan was a scholar in the history of modem Chinese thought, who has long been neglected and not been rediscovered until recently. He was not only an encyclopedic enlightenment thinker who called for democracy, the development of people’s intelligence, and societal change, but was also an outstanding thinker who respected natural life, advocated for physical and mental harmony, integrated tradition and modernity, and was devoted to balanced and sustainable development. Overshadowed by radical trends, Du has long been forgotten by the Chinese people and was not discovered until the end of the last century. History has proved that Du was an independent thinker, whose thoughts continued to attract attention in the new ecological age even after his works had become “dormant” for a hundred years.

This article, predicated on the complexity of Enlightenment rationality and the many facets of Enlightenment personality, as well as on the exploration of a comparative study of Du and Western Enlightenment thinkers, examines the much-neglected ecological consciousness of Du’s Enlightenment rationality. It further traces the causes and development of global eco-disasters to examine the new dimensions, directions and visions of East-West Cultural exchanges in the ecological era. It aims to provide some food for thought regarding the establishment of ecological worldview for the humanities to get out of the ecological predicament and to create a future ecocivilization.

關鍵詞 Keywords

杜亞泉, 啟蒙理性, 生態意識, 生態時代, 東西方文化交流, Du Yaqyuan, Enlightenment rationality, eco-consciousness, an ecological age, East-West cultural exchanges

語言 Language

Chinese (Traditional)

版權聲明 Copyright Statement


共享創意條款 Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

參考書目格式 Recommended Citation

魯樞元 (2019)。杜亞泉的啟蒙理性與生態意識 : 兼及生態時代的東西方文化交流。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第十二輯,頁257-283。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol12/iss1/10
