Vol. 9.2 九卷二期 (2009)
Special Issue: The Obscure Decade: Literary Imagination and Political Culture in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and the PRC, 1949-1959
「五〇年代的文學想像與政治文化 : 香港、臺灣、中國大陸」專號
序 = Foreword
Mingwei SONG (宋明燁) and Shengqing WU (吳盛青)
傷痕記憶,國家文學 = Of scars and national memory
Der Wei, David WANG (王德威) and Soh Fee, Sophia YEE (余淑慧)
六十年文學話土改 = The land reform in Chinese fiction since 1949
Sihe CHEN (陳思和)
People's literature and the construction of a new Chinese literary tradition = 《人民文學》與新中國文學傳統的建構
Krista Van Fleit HANG
The taming of the youth : discourse, politics, and fictional representation in the early PRC = 規訓與狂歡的敘事 : 五〇年代大陸文學中的青春論述、政治及小說再現
Mingwei SONG (宋明煒)
Special Columns
一九五七年,香港 = Hong Kong, 1957
Ping Kwan LEUNG (梁秉鈞)
閱讀五十年代 = Reading the 1950s
Feng YAN (嚴鋒)
JMLC Review
The provocation of Dim sum; or, making diaspora visible on film = 如何在電影中呈現"離散" :《點心》的啟示
Rey CHOW (周蕾)
Notes on Contributors
客席主編 Guest Editors
宋明燁 SONG Mingwei
Wellesley College
吳盛青 WU Shengqing
Wesleyan University
主編 Chief Editor
梁秉鈞 LEUNG Ping-kwan
Lingnan University
副編輯 Associate Editor
陸敬思 Christopher LUPKE
Washington State University
助理編輯 Assistant Editor
許旭筠 Amanda HSU Yuk-kwan
Lingnan University
美術編輯 Art Editor
李家昇 LEE Ka-sing
編輯委員 Editorial Board
周蕾 Rey CHOW
Brown University; Duke University
廖炳惠 LIAO Ping-hui
National Tsing Hua University
劉再復 LIU Zaifu
City University of Hong Kong
鄭樹森 William TAY
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
王德威 David WANG Der-wei
Harvard University
黃國彬 Laurence WONG Kwok-pun
Chinese University of Hong Kong
余珍珠 Angelina YEE Chun-chu
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
奚密 Michelle YEH
University of California, Davis