
Vol. 7.2 七卷二期 (2005)

Special Issue: Cultural Interaction Between South China Cities and Tokyo in the Pre-war Period




Book Reviews

Notes on Contributors


客席編輯 Guest Editor
藤井省三 Shōzō FUJII
University of Tokyo, Japan

客席副編輯 Guest Associate Editor
黃淑嫻 Mary WONG Shuk-han
Lingnan University

主編 Chief Editor
梁秉鈞 LEUNG Ping-kwan
Lingnan University

副編輯 Associate Editor
陸敬思 Christopher LUPKE
Washington State University

助理編輯 Assistant Editor
許旭筠 Amanda HSU Yuk-kwan
Lingnan University

書評編輯 Book Review Editors
黃子平 Ziping HUANG
Hong Kong Baptist University
王潤華 Yoon-wah WONG
Yuan Ze University

編輯委員 Editorial Board
周蕾 Rey CHOW
Brown University
廖炳惠 Ping-hui LIAO
National Tsing Hua University
劉再復 Zaifu LIU
City University of Hong Kong
鄭樹森 William TAY
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
王德威 David D. W. WANG
Harvard University
黃國彬 Laurence K. P. WONG
Lingnan University
余珍珠 Angelina YEE
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
奚密 Michelle YEH
University of California, Davis