Vol. 6.1 六卷一期 (2005)
Special Issue: Poetry
Editor's foreword
Michelle YEH (奚密)
"邊城的荒野留下少年的笛聲" : 1930年代北平"前線詩人"的城市記憶與文化心態
Jieyu ZHANG (張潔宇)
里爾克在中國 : 傳播與影響初探
Songjian ZHANG (張松建)
A night of their own : gender identity in women's poetry after Mao
Hong, Jeanne ZHANG
Rhythm, sound and sense : narrativity in Sun Wenbo
Book Reviews
Liu Kang. Aesthetics and marxism : Chinese aesthetic marxists and their western contemporaries

客席編輯 Guest Editor
奚密 Michelle YEH
University of California, Davis
主編 Chief Editor
梁秉鈞 Ping-kwan LEUNG
Lingnan University
副編輯 Associate Editor
陸敬思 Christopher LUPKE
Washington State University
助理編輯 Assistant Editor
羅維琪 Vicki ROTHROCK
書評編輯 Book Review Editors
黃子平 Ziping HUANG
Hong Kong Baptist University
張英進 Yingjin ZHANG
University of California, San Diego
編輯委員 Editorial Board
周蕾 Rey CHOW
Brown University
廖炳惠 Ping-hui LIAO
National Tsing Hua University
劉再復 Zaifu LIU
City University of Hong Kong
鄭樹森 William TAY
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
王德威 David D. W. WANG
Columbia University
黃國彬 Laurence K. P. WONG
Lingnan University
余珍珠 Angelina YEE
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology