Vol. 2.1 二卷一期 (1998)
Special Issue: Campaigns, Patronage, Censorship, and Multimedia: The Chinese Literary Scene, 1930-1942
專號 : 運動、資助、審查以及多媒界 : 1930至1942年的中國文壇
[From the editor] : special issue : campaigns, patronage, censorship, and multimedia : the Chinese literary scene, 1930-1942 = [編者的話] : 專號 : 運動、資助、審查以及多媒界 : 1930至1942年的中國文壇
Leo, Tak Hung CHAN (陳德鴻)
The battlefield of cultural production : Chinese literary mobilization during the War Years
Book Reviews
Hershatter, Gail. Dangerous pleasures : prostitution and modernity in twentieth-century Shanghai
Yue, Madeleine DONG
許子東 :《當代小說閱讀筆記》
Wing Li NG (吳穎妮)
陳順馨 :《中國當代文學的敘事與性別》
Mei Kuan CHEUNG (張美君)
盧瑋鑾 :《香港故事——個人回憶與文學思考》
Wai Ying CHAN (陳惠英)

主編 Chief Editor
陳德鴻 Leo T. H. CHAN
Lingnan College
執行編輯 Managing Editor
鄭振偉 George C. W. CHENG
Lingnan College
書評編輯 Book Review Editors
黃子平 Ziping HUANG
Hong Kong Baptist University
張英進 Yingjin ZHANG
Indiana University, Bloomington
編輯委員 Editorial Board
周蕾 Rey CHOW
University of California, Irvine
梁秉鈞 Ping-kwan LEUNG
Lingnan College
廖炳惠 Ping-hui LIAO
National Tsing Hua University
劉再復 Zaifu LIU
University of Colorado, Boulder
鄭樹森 William TAY
University of California, San Diego
王德威 David D. W. WANG
Columbia University
黃國彬 Laurence K. P. WONG
Lingnan College
余珍珠 Angelina YEE
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology