Vol. 11.1 十一卷一期 (Summer 2013)
Special Issue: Cultural Transformation of the 1950s: From Mainland China to Hong Kong
Foreword = 前言
Yifeng SUN (孫藝風) and Shuk Han WONG (黃淑嫻)
Special Issues
張愛玲劇本《魂歸離恨天》的文學翻譯和文化改編 = Literary translation and cultural adaptation in Eileen Chang's screenplay Wuthering Heights
Wenjing LI (李文靜)
袁水拍和林以亮編譯的美國詩歌 = Yuan Shuipai's and Stephen Soong's anthologization and translation of American poetry
Zijiang SONG (宋子江)
《文藝新潮》譯介現代主義詩作的選擇與取向 = A study of the translation of modernist poetry in Literary Current Monthly Magazine
Wai Ping YAU (邱偉平)
馬家寶的寫實主義 : 左翼思潮與香港本土藝術 = Ma Jiabo's realism : a case study on Hong Kong art
Suk Man LAW (羅淑敏) and Ni Na NG (吳妮娜)
在浪遊中回歸 : 論也斯環台遊記《新果自然來》與一九七○年代台港文藝思潮的對話 = Home-coming in wanders : on Ye Si's (Leung Ping-Kwan) New Fruits From Taiwan and the literary & artistic dialogues between Hong Kong & Taiwan in the 1970s
Chien Chung CHEN (陳建忠)
Translating poetic modernity : Zhou Zuoren's interest in modern Japanese poetry = 翻譯詩歌中的現代性 : 周作人與日本現代詩
Frederik H. GREEN (葛浩德)
Notes on Contributors

客席主編 Guest Editors
孫藝風 SUN Yifeng
Lingnan University
黃淑嫻 WONG Shuk-han
Lingnan University
主編 Chief Editor
梁秉鈞 LEUNG Ping-kwan
Lingnan University
副編輯 Associate Editor
陸敬思 Christopher LURKE
Washington State University
助理編輯 Assistant Editor
宋子江 Chris SONG Zijiang
Lingnan University
編輯委員 Editorial Board
周蕾 Rey CHOW
Duke University
廖炳惠 LIAO Ping-hui
National Tsing Hua University
劉再復 LIU Zaifu
City University of Hong Kong
鄭樹森 William TAY
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
王德威 David WANG Der-wei
Harvard University
黃國彬 Laurence WONG Kwok-pun
Chinese University of Hong Kong
余珍珠 Angelina YEE Chun-chu
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
奚密 Michelle YEH
University of California, Davis