Lingnan University conferred honorary doctorates upon three distinguished individuals, namely Dr Simon Ip Sik-on, GBS, JP, Ms Sophia Kao Ching-chi, GBS, JP and Prof Lawrence Juen-yee Lau, GBS, JP, in recognition of their outstanding achievements in their respective professions and valuable contributions to the well-being of society.

Honorary Doctorate

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Dr Simon Ip Sik-on, GBS, JP 葉錫安博士, GBS, JP

Doctor of Laws honoris causa 榮譽法學博士

Ms Sophia Kao Ching-chi, GBS, JP 高靜芝女士, GBS, JP

Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa 榮譽社會科學博士

Professor Lawrence Juen-yee Lau, GBS, JP 劉遵義教授, GBS, JP

Doctor of Social Sciences honoris causa 榮譽社會科學博士