20 April 2012 - Institutional Repository : Beyond ETD and Faculty Publications
The intellectual output of a university is more than theses and dissertations or faculty publications. A growing number of academic libraries are implementing publishing services for scholarly journals, conferences, and other university communication and scholarship. At Lingnan University Library, we believe we can and should broaden our Institutional Repository’s scope to organize, preserve and publish our collected work and creative activities. Student publications, academic journals, working papers from our research centers, and historical papers are just a few examples of materials that may be more effectively managed within the Institutional Repository.
This half-day seminar will give you a brief overview of the direction and scope of Lingnan’s Institutional Repository beyond Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETD) and faculty publications. We will also share our experience implementing Digital Commons @ Lingnan University with emphasis on the implementation process and a demonstration of its publishing services for academic journals and student publications.
In addition, Mr. Tim Tamminga, Vice President from bepress (Berkeley Electronic Press), will talk about how academic libraries are using platforms like Digital Commons to extend library services across the academy. Examples from universities using Digital Commons will be used to show these services benefit faculty, students, administration and external communities.
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2012 | ||
Friday, April 20th | ||
10:00 AM |
Rachel CHENG, University Librarian, Lingnan University 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM |
10:15 AM |
Sheila CHEUNG, Lingnan University 10:15 AM - 11:00 AM |
11:00 AM |
New Directions : Library Publishing Services Tim TAMMINGA, Vice-President, bepress (Berkeley Electonic Press) 11:00 AM - 11:45 AM |