Coordinator: Dr. Srecko Horvat (Subversive Film Festival, Croatia)

Rapporteur: Mr Kho Tung-yi 許統一先生 (Lingnan University 嶺南大學), Mr. Yan Xiaohui 嚴曉輝 (Green Ground Eco-Tech Center of Beijing 北京國仁城鄉科技發展中心)


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Monday, December 12th
4:00 PM

Peasant cooperation and mobilization in West Africa = 西非農民合作與組織動員

Ibrahima COULIBALY, National Coordination of Peasant Organizations in Mali

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

A land reform by and for the people : rural-urban alliance as a strategy = 農民的土地改革 : 以城鄉聯合為策略

Roberto BAGGIO, Latin American School for Agroecology, Brazil

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Rural campus : alternative education and hands-on farm for rural youth = 鄉村校園 : 另類教育與農村青年人的親身農業實踐

Seiko OHASHI, Alternative People's Linkage in Asia

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

An alternative reading of rural China = 鄉村中國的另類解讀

Tsui SIT (薛翠), Renmin University of China 中國人民大學

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM

Questions and discussion (Theme IC)

South South Forum

4:00 PM - 5:30 PM