The 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service Learning: Make a Difference: Impacts of Service-Learning | Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service-Learning 亞太地區服務研習會議

The 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service Learning: Make a Difference: Impacts of Service-Learning

The 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service Learning: Make a Difference: Impacts of Service-Learning

In accordance with the increasing awareness of Service-Learning, the Office of Service-Learning (OSL) of Lingnan University, Lingnan Foundation, and the United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia have joined together to further expand Service-Learning programs throughout the Asia-Pacific Region. The 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference, titled “Make A Difference: Impacts of Service-Learning” will be held in 2nd week of June 2011. The conference aims at gathering educators, students, government officials and service providers around the world to exchange ideas on the development and the role of Service-Learning in making a difference in the society.

Make a Difference: Impacts of Service-Learning

The traditional ingredients of university study are lectures, tutorial lessons, paper submission, tests, and examinations. Under this mode of learning, students always have questions such as “Why do we have to study this subject?”, “How does it relate to our future?”, “What should I do after I graduate?”, “What is my role in the school and in the community?” and so forth. Employers may also ask ‘What kind of training does the University provide?” or “Is there any training related to Social Responsibility?” Teachers may ask “ How can I link up the academic elements to the service part?”, “What will be the best learning mode for our students?”. Service-Learning may give answers for how to make a difference in not only learning outcomes, but also in careers and even lives.

Nowadays, we see Service-Learning as a teaching and learning strategy that combines rigorous academic study with voluntary community service. A student’s academic study is enhanced through the process of critical thinking and self-reflection structured in the service tasks performed by the student. Learning through serving others helps facilitate students' personal growth as well as provides lifelong commitment to service, research and leadership. All in all, Service-Learning goes beyond just the academic. It is all about finding the tender moments in one’s life, being touched by the practical life experiences of the service-targets and being inspired to take action in the community.

Come and join our 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference and let us know how you, your partners and your students make a difference in our world! Your knowledge and experience in promoting Service-Learning will tremendously help all of us to gain a clearer understanding of the true meaning and benefits of Service-Learning.

Conference Special Issue 會議特刊

Browse the contents of The 3rd Asia-Pacific Regional Conference on Service Learning: Make a Difference: Impacts of Service-Learning:

Keynote Speeches
Special Corporate Service-Learning Session
Symposium on Partnerships for Environment Action (Organized by United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia)
Symposium on Outcome-Based Education (Organized by Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University)
Symposium on Cross0cultural learning (Organized by Lingnan Foundation)
Workshop: stepping stones to get your research published
Breakfast with Thematic Discussion
Breakout Session and Discussion 1: Theory and Practices in Service-Learning
Breakout Session and Discussion 2: Pedagogical Issues on Service-Learning
Breakout Session and Discussion 3: Theory and Practices in Service-Learning
Breakout Session and Discussion 4: Pedagogical Issues on Service-Learning/ Cost-Effectiveness and Evaluation
Breakout Session and Discussion 5: Theory and Practices in Service-Learning
Breakout Session and Discussion 6: Cost-Effectiveness and Evaluation
Breakout Session and Discussion 7: Pedagogical Issues on Service-Learning
Breakout Session and Discussion 8: Nature of Service-Learning Programs for Building up a Harmonious Global World
Breakout Session and Discussion 9: Pedagogical Issues on Service-Learning(Interactive Workshop)
Breakout Session and Discussion 10: Cost-Effectiveness and Evaluation (Interactive Workshop)
Breakout Session and Discussion 11: Nature of Service-Learning Programs for Building up a Harmonious Global World (Interactive Workshop)