
其他篇名 Alternative Title

On the origin of Chinese tonal prosody : argumentation from the case study of Shen Yue's poems

摘要 Abstract

永明詩歌,對中國學術史而言,其意義不僅在於詩歌史,它在文學史、文化史、語言史諸方面之影響,也非其它詩體所能匹配。論永明體,自然要談沈約聲律論。但沈氏學説究竟爲何,其論與其作關係怎樣,學界至今少有服衆之論。坊間相當流行的説法,其實問題不少。在此僅舉其犖犖大端,略説一二。學界普遍認爲,沈約首創“四聲八病”,並將四聲分成平仄兩類,構成漢語近體詩平仄二元對立的聲律體系。梅維恒(Victor Mair)和梅祖麟(Tsu-lin Mei)則進一步主張,沈約是受梵詩格律影響而有“八病”之説、“平仄”之創。不過,讓人困惑的是,沈約及其他六朝詩人的創作實踐並不遵守這些規則。可見,漢語近體詩聲律的起源仍是一個不解之謎。本文就以下諸問題對沈約詩歌作一窮盡性研究,希冀解決這一謎團:(1) 詩律的本質;(2)漢語格律詩的聲律模式;(3)漢律梵源説證僞;(4)漢詩格律如何由六朝律嬗變至唐朝律。

關鍵詞 Keywords

永明體, 格律詩, 漢律梵源, 聲律, 病犯, 格律類型

語言 Language

Chinese (Traditional)

備註 Additional Information


"How did the Concept of Tonal Prosody in Chinese Verse Come about?" delivered at City University of Hong Kong, November 1999.

"Tonal Prosody of Poetics in the Six Dynasties,'' presented at the 2nd International Symposium of Historical Chinese and Classical Chinese, Columbia University, October 2003.

"Yongming Poetics: A Linguistics Perspective,'' delivered at Fudan University, May 2004.

"Yongming Poetics: A Linguistics Perspective," delivered at Harvard University, March 2005.

"Poetic Metrical Patterns of the Six Dynasties: Case Study on Shen Yüeh's Poems," delivered at Peking University, March 2006.

"The Consistency of Shen Yue's Poetic Metrical Theory and Poem Composition: A Linguistic Perspective," delivered at The 2006 Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, San Francisco, 2006.

"Origins of Tonal Prosody of Chinese Metrical Poems," delivered at The International Conference on the Interface between Chinese Literature and Chinese Linguistics, Nankai University, 2007.

"Issues in Study of Chinese Poetic Prosody," presented at The Seventeenth International Conference on Chinese Linguistics, Paris, 2009.

"Poetic Prosodic Studies of Chinese Classical Poems," delivered at Hanyang University, Seoul, May 2011.

"The Tonal Prosody in Shen Yue’s Pentasyllabic Poems - An Empirical and Statistical Study, delivered at National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, June 2013.

"Some Issues on the Origin of Chinese Regulated Verse", delivered at Chinese University of Hong Kong, March 2014.


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參考書目格式 Recommended Citation

張洪明 (2016)。漢語詩律起源 : 證自沈約詩案例研究。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第五輯,頁93-124。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol5/iss1/6
