
Submissions from 2001


A model of intergenerational transfers, Chengze, Simon FAN


Incentive and corruption in Chinese economic reform, Chengze, Simon FAN and Herschel I. GROSSMAN

A multiple country of origin rule to help resolve trade disputes, Lok Sang HO


Health care funding and delivery in Hong Kong : what should be done?, Lok Sang HO

Principles of public policy practice, Lok Sang HO

Realistic exchange rates : a post-Asian Financial Crisis perspective, Lok Sang HO

The political economy of the HKSAR's fiscal policy, Lok Sang HO

Protection of intellectual property rights in China under the US pressures, Ping LIN

The relevance of the US dollar linked exchange rate system to the stability of macroeconomic fundamentals in Hong Kong : a simple test, Jimmy RAN


Measurement error and the effects of unions on the compensating differentials for fatal workplace risks, Robert SANDY, Robert F. ELLIOTT, W. Stanley SIEBERT, and Xiangdong WEI

Economic impacts of logistics infrastructure development : the case of Hong Kong, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and Lok Sang HO

Reconciling USA versus China trade balance claims : the role of Hong Kong revisited, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and Yak Yeow KUEH

Submissions from 2000


Worker participation and firm performance : evidence from Germany and Britain, John T. ADDISON, Stanley W. SIEBERT, Joachim WAGNER, and Xiangdong WEI

Economic development and the changing patterns of consumption in urban China, Chengze, Simon FAN


A monthly econometric model of the transmission of the great depression between the principal industrial economies, James FOREMAN-PECK, Andrew Hughes HALLETT, and Yue MA


Diamond and Dybvig's classic theory of financial intermediation : what's missing?, Edward J. GREEN and Ping LIN

Hong Kong in the midst of a currency crisis, Lok Sang HO


The nature of optimal public policy, Lok Sang HO


Towards a new international monetary order : the world currency unit and the global indexed bonds, Lok Sang HO


Wage subsidies as a labour market policy tool, Lok Sang HO


Are older workers disadvantaged in the Hong Kong labour market?, Lok Sang HO; Xiangdong WEI; and Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON


The US antitrust system and recent trends in antitrust enforcement, Ping LIN, Baldev RAJ, Michael SANDFORT, and Daniel SLOTTJE


Testing for a nonlinear relationship among fundamentals and exchange rates in the ERM, Yue MA and Angelos KANAS


Measuring research benefits in an imperfect market : second reply, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON

Country of origin, value-added exports, and Sino-US trade balance reconciliation, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and Yak Yeow KUEH

Submissions from 1999


Human capital, growth, and inequality in Russia, Chengze, Simon FAN; Jody OVERLAND; and Michael SPAGAT


The determinants of hiring older workers : evidence from Hong Kong, John S. HEYWOOD, Lok Sang HO, and Xiangdong WEI


Stable cartel with a cournot fringe in a symmetric oligopoly, Hideo KONISHI and Ping LIN


Incentives for foreign direct investment under imitation, Ping LIN and Kamal SAGGI


Implicit prices of prawn and shrimp attributes in the Philippine domestic market, Nerissa D. SALAYO; Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON; and Saroja SELVANATHAN

Book review : Competitiveness of the Singapore economy : a strategic perspective, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON


Impacts of foreign policies on the gains from research and promotion, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON and G. W. EDWARDS


Estimating British workers' demand for safety, Xiangdong WEI

Submissions from 1998

Capital formation, technological change and economic growth in Guandong after 1978, Kui Yin CHEUNG and Chengze, Simon FAN


Why China has been successful in attracting foreign direct investment : a transaction cost approach, Chengze, Simon FAN


Does consumer sentiment forecast household spending? The Hong Kong case, Chengze FAN and Phoebe WONG

China's road to exchange rate liberalization, Lok Sang HO


Country-of-origin rules : its origin, nature, and directions for reform, Lok Sang HO


The economy of Hong Kong as a special administrative region of China, Lok Sang HO


Product market competition and R&D rivalry, Ping LIN

Prawn and shrimp : attributes that command premium prices, Nerissa D. SALAYO; Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON; and Saroja SELVANATHAN


Wage compensation for job risks : the case of Hong Kong, W. S. SIEBERT and Xiangdong WEI

Export competitiveness of China and ASEAN in the U.S. market, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON

Submissions from 1997


The calculation of research benefits with linear and non-linear specifications of the demand and supply : reply, Geoff W. EDWARDS and Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON


Payment by results systems : British evidence, John S. HEYWOOD, W. S. SIEBERT, and Xiangdong WEI


Piece-rate payment schemes and the employment of women : the case of Hong Kong, John S. HEYWOOD and Xiangdong WEI


A universal fully funded pension scheme, Lok Sang HO

Health care delivery and financing : a model for reform, Lok Sang HO

醫療改革的經濟分析, Lok Sang HO

The role of Hong Kong in Sino-American economic relations, Yak Yeow KUEH and Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON

Submissions from 1996


How can waste recycling and waste minimization be fitted into Hong Kong's waste management system?, S. S. CHUNG, C. S. POON, and Lok Sang HO

Labour market policies in a changing political economy, Lok Sang HO

Fiscal relations between Shanghai and the central government, Lok Sang HO and Kai Yuen TSUI


Evaluating quality improvement in nonhomogeneous agricultural commodities : the case of Australian beef, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON


Reply : measuring research benefits in an imperfect market, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON


The gains agricultural research under distorted trade : comments, Jan Piaw, Thomas VOON

Submissions from 1995

Is there a link among Confucianism, institutions, and economic performance?, Tzong-biau LIN and Lok-sang HO

Submissions from 1993


Whither Hong Kong in an open-door, reforming Chinese economy?, Y. P. HO and Y. Y. KUEH