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The First Artist-in-Residence 首位駐校藝術家

Publication Date



Department of Visual Studies, Lingnan University


Hong Kong

Artist Biography

A Hong Kong born artist, Lam Tung-pang was one of the founders of Studio Opening in Fo Tan, Hong Kong. He currently lives and works in London and Hong Kong. He uses both traditional (oil, acrylic, charcoal, pencil) and non-traditional (nails, sand, plywood) materials to produce beautiful, thought-provoking pieces, which resonate with the viewer long after their first encounter. Tung-pang studied Fine Art at The Chinese University of Hong Kong before undertaking an MA at Central St Martins College of Art, London in 2004. He has been awarded numerous scholarships and awards, including Hong Kong Finalist at the Nokia Art Awards-Asia Pacific in 2000 and an Arts Scholarship from the Hong Kong Arts Development Council in 2003. In 2005 he won the prestigious “Hunting Art Prize Young Artist of the Year” in the U.K. His work has been exhibited world-wide, and his work has been collected by many private and public organizations in the UK, USA and Hong Kong, including the Hong Kong Museum of Art.

1975年生於香港,畢業於香港中文大學藝術系,現於倫敦及香港生活及 創作。2001年在學間聯同七位同學,自資於火炭設立工作室,同年開放工作 室予公眾參觀,為火炭工作室開放日最早的成員之一。他的早期作品多以沙混 合顏料,營造簡約空靈的景物。 林東鵬於2000年曾代表香港參加「諾基亞亞太區藝術獎」。2003年以「火. 炭」為題的作品入選「香港藝術雙年展」,為香港藝術館所藏。同年獲頒「香 港藝術發展局獎學金」,並前往英國聖馬丁藝術及設計學院修讀藝術碩士。 畢業後旅居倫敦創作,2005年同時獲英國Chichester Open Art「年青藝術家 獎」及「亨町藝術家獎」(Hunting Art Prize)比賽中的「全年最佳年青藝術 家獎」(Young Artist of the Year),亦為該獎項設立廿五年來首位華人獲獎, 展覽於英國皇家藝術家學院舉行。 他的作品從思考個人到人文及文化之間的問題,風格不一,主要以混合媒介 (木,沙,釘水墨,炭筆,塑膠彩及油彩等)作平面處理。作品為英美及香港 多間機構及私人收藏,包括香港藝術館。

Residence Period

First Semester, 2006/07


Interdisciplinary Arts and Media | Visual Studies

Recommended Citation

Lam, T. P. (2006). Inaugural catalogue: Lam Tung-pang's work. Hong Kong: Department of Visual Studies, Lingnan University.

Inaugural catalogue : Lam Tung-pang's work
