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"Garnerings" is edited, translated and largely compiled by the third year Honours Diploma students of the Lingnan Translation Department. They set out to polish their translation techniques and to put into practice what they have learnt about publishing and printing. During the process of putting "Garnerings” into print, students were greatly motivated and had set high standards for their work. They were responsible for the overall design and content after having consulted the opinions of students from all years in the department. When students interviewed teachers, administrators in translation and interpretation, they learned to work harmoniously as a team to gain experience in interviewing, editing, translating, publishing and printing. Since there is a shortage of labour due to brain drain in the fields of translation and publishing, it is most gratifying to know there are young blood forthcoming. I sincerely hope that the students of "Translation Workshop” can make use of the professional skills, mastered through untiring effort to translate, edit and publish more quality works.
《譯藪》是嶺南學院翻譯系榮譽文憑課程的同學所編譯;目的是使他們有更多機會砥礪翻譯技巧和應用出版及印刷知識。在出版的過程中,同學都表現得很熱誠和嚴謹,他們很周詳地策劃書中的內容;旣在系內諮詢各級同學的意見。並在校內校外進行了一連串的專訪。期間同學旣能發揮羣體合作的精神,亦可體驗到採訪、編 輯、翻譯、出版及印刷等各方面理論的實踐。 面對香港在翻譯和出版行業人才短缺和外流的情况,我非常高興能預見這一班幹勁的靑年成接班 人。但願他們在學成之後一展所長,努力不懈地編譯和出版更多精闢的著作。
Publication Date
Department of Translation, Lingnan College 嶺南學院翻譯系
Hong Kong 香港
Translation Studies
English; Chinese (Traditional)
Recommended Citation
Garnerings Editorial Board (1989). Garnerings 譯藪 88-89. Hong Kong: Department of Translation, Lingnan College. Retrieved from