Exhibits 展品



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Indexes were created to facilitate the discovery of labour union-related newspaper clippings. Index lists are handwritten indexes on lined paper with around 400 pages. Entries are arranged by newspapers, then by publication date, with each accompanied with detailed page number and occasional graphical illustrations to indicate the exact location of the article in the newspaper page.

This exhibit shows the example of a newspaper clipping index entry, i.e. "革履工人請求加薪" from Singtao Daily dated 4th June 1941, and its graphical illustration. The highlighted graphical illustration indicates the exact location, right half part, of the article in the original newspaper page, p 3 (4).


此展品展示索引列表中附有手畫圖註的例子,左起 : 索引列表 : 星島日報 (1941-6-4至1941-6-14)、標記手畫圖註、原刊報頁、剪報。列表的首項條目「革履工人請求加薪」,源自《星島日報》(1941年6月4日) 第三張四頁的右下方。
