Information economy, employment vulnerability and the development of new urban marginality: A case of Bangladesh
Start Date
27-3-2021 3:00 PM
End Date
27-3-2021 3:15 PM
Globalisation and the integration of information economy in the global economic system has impacted the dynamics of urban economy creating myriad of social problems including unemployment. Following that different sectors have undergone massive modification having effect on job creation, inequality and polarisation. The knowledge-based economy in Bangladesh has affected the unskilled labour force especially in urban area. It is therefore significant to examine the nexus between the information economy and the creation of new urban marginality in the line of employment vulnerability. The dominant literature explored how restructuration of national economy and network society resulted in employment vulnerability and urban volatilities. Thus, this research is trying to find out, how the socio-economic background, level of skills and labour market outcomes are connected; the role of information economy in the existing job structure and finally the coping strategy of the unskilled workers with the emerging economy. Considering the research questions, the solid theoretical framework will focus and analyse the impact of information economy along with the behavioural intention and attitudes towards usages and access to information technology and information economy by the study population. The study will be conducted in Dhaka city, Bangladesh using the quantitative method as a main and qualitative method as a supportive method of study. This study is very significant regarding question of marginality, job vulnerability and integration of new economy and thus focusing on required policy modification in national level.
Recommended Citation
Hussain, R. (2021, March). Information economy, employment vulnerability and the development of new urban marginality: A case of Bangladesh. Presented at the Postgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning: Re-Imagining Postgraduate Studies in the 21st Century and Beyond. Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
Information economy, employment vulnerability and the development of new urban marginality: A case of Bangladesh
Globalisation and the integration of information economy in the global economic system has impacted the dynamics of urban economy creating myriad of social problems including unemployment. Following that different sectors have undergone massive modification having effect on job creation, inequality and polarisation. The knowledge-based economy in Bangladesh has affected the unskilled labour force especially in urban area. It is therefore significant to examine the nexus between the information economy and the creation of new urban marginality in the line of employment vulnerability. The dominant literature explored how restructuration of national economy and network society resulted in employment vulnerability and urban volatilities. Thus, this research is trying to find out, how the socio-economic background, level of skills and labour market outcomes are connected; the role of information economy in the existing job structure and finally the coping strategy of the unskilled workers with the emerging economy. Considering the research questions, the solid theoretical framework will focus and analyse the impact of information economy along with the behavioural intention and attitudes towards usages and access to information technology and information economy by the study population. The study will be conducted in Dhaka city, Bangladesh using the quantitative method as a main and qualitative method as a supportive method of study. This study is very significant regarding question of marginality, job vulnerability and integration of new economy and thus focusing on required policy modification in national level.