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Despite their dissatisfaction with the overall administration of public policy, the quality of public healthcare services, and other social problems, Hong Kong people are generally happier than last year, with the happiness index reaching 71.3, the second highest since 2005, the latest Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey reveals.

For the first time ever, young people aged below 30 are the happiest among the different age groups, with the index hitting 72.0, the highest in seven years. Females also reported a record-high happiness index of 73.6, which is far above the males’ at 67.9.

Four key determinants of happiness, namely Love, Insight, Fortitude and Engagement (LIFE) were also surveyed. This year the scores for Love and Insight have slipped, Fortitude remained unchanged and Engagement soared (Please see Table 1 in Appendix). Engagement means having clear objectives in life and seizing opportunities to learn and fully utilise one’s competences. It is also encouraging to see that the LIFE scores of the younger generation (those aged 21-29) have been rising steadily over the past four years (Please see Table 2 in Appendix).

Designed and conducted by the Centre for Public Policy Studies of Lingnan University, the Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2011 is the seventh of its kind. A total of 821 respondents aged 21 or above were interviewed by telephone through random sampling on 14-19 November.

嶺南大學公共政策研究中心最新一期「香港快樂指數調查」結果顯示,儘管香港人普遍 不滿政府施政、醫療服務水平、及其他社會大環境,整體而言仍比去年快樂。今年的快 樂指數高達71.3,是2005 年開始進行有關調查以來的第二高。

其中30 歲以下的年輕人的快樂指數為71.5,是歷年最高,並媲美其他年齡組別的快樂 指數。此外,年輕人是各年齡組別中最認同「活在世上十分有價值」的一群。女性的快 樂指數也創新高至73.6,遠勝男性的67.9。

此外,調查也問及有關快樂程度的四大決定因素「LIFE」──即「關愛」(Love)、「智 慧」(Insight)、「堅毅」(Fortitude)及「行動」(Engagement)。今年「關愛」 和「智慧」的得分稍跌,「堅毅」的得分保持平穩,而「行動」的得分則顯著上升(請 參閱附錄的表一)。「行動」是指擁有清晰的人生目標,爭取機會學習,並盡量發揮所 長。過去四年來,21 至29 歲年輕人的LIFE 分數亦持續上升,情況令人鼓舞(請參閱 附錄的表二)。

「香港快樂指數調查2011」由嶺南大學公共政策研究中心設計及進行,今年已是第七 年。是次調查於11 月14 日至19 日期間,以隨機抽樣方式向821 名21 歲或以上的受 訪者進行電話訪問。


由「施永青基金會」贊助 Sponsored by Shih Wing Ching Foundation

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Press Release

Recommended Citation

Ho, L. S. (2011). Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2011 = 香港快樂指數調查 2011. Retrieved from
