Start Date

27-6-2012 2:00 PM

End Date

27-6-2012 4:10 PM


Many countries in the world will experience increasingly ageing populations in the 21st century. One of the countries that will have dramatic increase in the number of aged people in its populations is Indonesia. The increasing proportion of older persons in Indonesia also bring an impact on the issue of providing care for older persons especially for older persons who are no longer working. Most of study on elderly people are focused on social activities of the elderly. However, there are limited studies on the providing care for older persons in rural areas in Indonesia. Therefore, the decision to study providing care for Indonesian older persons was taken in order to broaden inquiry into the issues. Our study is a small scale study which is based on qualitative research in Citengah Village, Sumedang, West Java in 1999 – 2001..

The results showed that there is a flexibility in Citengah Village when older people were asked about who they wanted to care for them when ill or frail. For men, reliance on a wife or a daughter is clearly preferred, while women often state a prefer­ence for care by a daughter. Sometimes remarry will be done by older men in order to have wife to care for them. However, for both men and women care by a daughter-in-law, granddaughter, adopted child or even son or nephew is acceptable, especially if a daughter is not locally available or relations are not good. One rich elderly widower, who has six sons and one daughter, explained his decision to live with his only daughter after his wife’s death with the comment: “With a daughter, I need not feel like a stranger (asing), nor reluctant (sungkan) to ask her to do my laundry or cook my favourite food.”

For elderly men, where there is a wife (and often there is), she is by default the predominant carer. Indeed, in Citengah, a wife’s role for ensuring men’s domestic comfort and care in illness is recognised as so important that remarriage, even in old age, is not uncommon. Only if there is no wife do daughters emerge as caregivers. Care by a daughter is most common, but granddaughters, sons, and daughters-in-law also feature prominently. Caregiver played important roles in providing companionship, help and health care for elderly people. In relation to this, most caregivers were children or family of the elderly people.

From the study we concluded that further research is needed in order to increase capability of the caregiver. Hence, the implication of this research findings is the importance of care giving training to improve capability of caregiver (family and community) in caring the older persons, and developing support system to provide sustainability of this program.



许多国家在二十一世纪都要面对老龄人口增加的问题,而印度尼西亚便是其中一个老龄人口急剧增加的国家。老龄人口比例增加,对提供长者护理服务产生了影响,特别是对退休长者的影响更为深远。大多数的研究都着重在长者的社交活动,以印度尼西亚乡村地区的长者护理作对象的研究为数不多。因此,此研究决定拓展此领域,深入探讨印度尼西亚长者护理服务的提供。此研究是以1990- 2001年在印度尼西亚西爪哇苏美当希丹格村进行的定性研究为基础的小型研究。




20120627_12.pdf (1996 kB)
Presentation Material

Recommended Citation

Dewi, V. P. (2012, June). Ethnographic studies on the role of caregiver in providing care for older persons in Citengah Village, Sumedang, West Java and its implication of Care Giving Program. Paper presented at the 2nd International Leadership Assembly of Nuising Homes cum APIAS-TSAO-ILC Symposium for Junior Researchers on Active Ageing 2012, Harbour Plaza Resort City, Hong Kong.

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Gerontology Commons


Jun 27th, 2:00 PM Jun 27th, 4:10 PM

Ethnographic studies on the role of caregiver in providing care for older persons in Citengah Village, Sumedang, West Java and its implication of Care Giving Program

Many countries in the world will experience increasingly ageing populations in the 21st century. One of the countries that will have dramatic increase in the number of aged people in its populations is Indonesia. The increasing proportion of older persons in Indonesia also bring an impact on the issue of providing care for older persons especially for older persons who are no longer working. Most of study on elderly people are focused on social activities of the elderly. However, there are limited studies on the providing care for older persons in rural areas in Indonesia. Therefore, the decision to study providing care for Indonesian older persons was taken in order to broaden inquiry into the issues. Our study is a small scale study which is based on qualitative research in Citengah Village, Sumedang, West Java in 1999 – 2001..

The results showed that there is a flexibility in Citengah Village when older people were asked about who they wanted to care for them when ill or frail. For men, reliance on a wife or a daughter is clearly preferred, while women often state a prefer­ence for care by a daughter. Sometimes remarry will be done by older men in order to have wife to care for them. However, for both men and women care by a daughter-in-law, granddaughter, adopted child or even son or nephew is acceptable, especially if a daughter is not locally available or relations are not good. One rich elderly widower, who has six sons and one daughter, explained his decision to live with his only daughter after his wife’s death with the comment: “With a daughter, I need not feel like a stranger (asing), nor reluctant (sungkan) to ask her to do my laundry or cook my favourite food.”

For elderly men, where there is a wife (and often there is), she is by default the predominant carer. Indeed, in Citengah, a wife’s role for ensuring men’s domestic comfort and care in illness is recognised as so important that remarriage, even in old age, is not uncommon. Only if there is no wife do daughters emerge as caregivers. Care by a daughter is most common, but granddaughters, sons, and daughters-in-law also feature prominently. Caregiver played important roles in providing companionship, help and health care for elderly people. In relation to this, most caregivers were children or family of the elderly people.

From the study we concluded that further research is needed in order to increase capability of the caregiver. Hence, the implication of this research findings is the importance of care giving training to improve capability of caregiver (family and community) in caring the older persons, and developing support system to provide sustainability of this program.



许多国家在二十一世纪都要面对老龄人口增加的问题,而印度尼西亚便是其中一个老龄人口急剧增加的国家。老龄人口比例增加,对提供长者护理服务产生了影响,特别是对退休长者的影响更为深远。大多数的研究都着重在长者的社交活动,以印度尼西亚乡村地区的长者护理作对象的研究为数不多。因此,此研究决定拓展此领域,深入探讨印度尼西亚长者护理服务的提供。此研究是以1990- 2001年在印度尼西亚西爪哇苏美当希丹格村进行的定性研究为基础的小型研究。


