Session 1 : Keynote speech and roundtable discussion = 第一節 : 主講及圓桌會議
Master of Cultural Studies Programme, Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University; Hong Kong Institute of Contemporary Culture
Event Title
「孩子.政治.我們的未來」圓桌研討會 = Kids, politics and our future : a roundtable discussion with Professor Lawrence Grossberg
Document Type
2:20 p.m. -- 3:45 p.m.
Room 1109, Hong Kong Scout Centre, Scout Path, Austin Road, Tsim Sha Tsui
English; Cantonese
Recommended Citation
Grossberg, L., Hui, P. K., Cheung, C. W., Too, K. W., Hung, J., & Lui, T. L. (2006, June 3). Session 1: Keynote speech and roundtable discussion = 第一節 : 主講及圓桌會議 [Video podcast]. Retrieved from
Additional Information
嶺南大學文化研究系「文化研究碩士」課程聯同香港當代文化中心於2006年6月3日 (星期六) 舉辦名為「孩子.政治.我們的未來」的公開研討會,榮幸邀得世界著名的文化研究學者美國北卡羅萊納大學 (教堂丘分校) 高士柏教授 (Prof Lawrence GROSSBERG) 作主講嘉賓,與本地學者和社會各界青少年、社區及文化工作者分享見解,進行中英文各一場的圓桌研討會,探索香港現今青少年的種種問題。研討會以高士柏教授2005年的著作 “Caught in the Crossfire: Kids, Politics, and America's Future” 為引子,讓各方代表進行交流、回顧和前瞻。高教授在著作中就美國青少年及兒童問題道出其獨特見解,解說美國傳媒、教育及政治各方面在過去數十年如何改變他們的孩子。嶺大文化研究系陳清僑教授表示,主辦單位期望研討會能提供機會,讓社會各界反思香港的情況,從多角度探討香港現今有關青年政策、教育、以至文化、傳媒、政治、歷史等相關問題,為不同的界別及公眾提供嶄新的思考及評論觀點。
Lingnan University's Master of Cultural Studies (MSC) Programme and the Hong Kong Institute for Contemporary Culture jointly host a Roundtable Discussion entitled "Kids, Politics and Our Future" on 3 June 2006 (Saturday). Prof Lawrence GROSSBERG of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, an internationally renowned Cultural Studies scholar, and the author of the 2005 book "Caught in the Crossfire: Kids, Politics, and America's Future", is invited to be the keynote speaker at this public forum. He shares his insights on the issue, examining how in the US context the adults' world has been changing the shape of the kids through media, education, and politics over the past decades. Other panelists in the Roundtable Discussion all come from different fields including academics, artist, the school sector, youth work, women's group, non-governmental organisation and community workers.