
Women have always been part of the Lingnan community, both as students and as faculty. Mrs. Happer taught English to the first Lingnan students, a school for girls was opened in 1903, and the first female students were enrolled in co-educational classes in the Middle School in 1906. Women were later admitted to the University. In 1921 Leung Tsau-ming was the first woman to receive a BA and eight of the first 48 students to receive bachelor degrees between 1919 and 1924 were women. To the right is the Xing Pavilion (惺亭), built in 1928 to honour Sze Kin-yee (Shi Jianru), Ou Lizhou and Xu Yaozhang. Shi Jianru (Sz Kin-yue) was a student at Lingnan in 1899 but left to take part in the revolution. He was executed as the leader of a failed plot to blow up the Viceroy’s palace in Guangdong in 1900. Ou Lizhou, a Lingnan faculty member, and Xu Yaozhang, a Lingnan student, were killed in the Shaji Incident, an anti-imperialist demonstration, on 23 June 1925.