Constructive controversy for innovation in business : theory, research, and application

Document Type

Book chapter

Source Publication

Konstruktive Kontroverse in Organisationen : Konflikte bearbeiten, Entscheidungen treffen, Innovationen fördern

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Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden


Construcive Controversy is the open-minded discussion of opposing views for mutual benefit. It has been demonstrated to be a practical, powerful approach to understand the conditions and dynamics of how opposing ideas can strengthen decision-making and contribute to organizations and people. Research shows that Constructive Controversy promotes innovation in such key areas as marketing, finance, and leadership; evidence also documents that it helps manage emotional and interests conflicts and that it applies in collectivist as well as individualistic cultures. Cooperative goals, where team members believe that their goal attainment is positively related to other members’ goal attainment, are an important foundation for Constructive Controversy. Studies have documented that although it is challenging to discuss controversies openly and constructively, together team members can understand and practice its major steps to develop and express positions, question and understand opposing positions, integrate and create solutions, and reach agreement as well as strengthen their cooperative goals. Results have important practical implications for how managers and employees can develop Constructive Controversy to stimulate innovation and organizational effectiveness.



Publisher Statement

Copyright © Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden 2015. Access to external full text or publisher's version may require subscription.

Additional Information

ISBN of the source publication: 9783658002626

Full-text Version

Publisher’s Version



Recommended Citation

Tjosvold, D., Tang, M. M. L. & Wan, P. W. K. (2015). Constructive controversy for innovation in business: Theory, research, and application. In A. Vollmer, M. Dick, & T. Wehner (Eds.), Konstruktive Kontroverse in Organisationen: Konflikte bearbeiten, Entscheidungen treffen, Innovationen fördern (pp. 89-107). Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden. doi: 10.1007/978-3-658-00263-3_5
