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Service-Learning (S-L) integrates academic study with meaningful community service to create opportunities for students and staff to make positive impact locally, regionally, and globally. In line with Lingnan’s motto “Education for Service”, Service-Learning and Research Scheme (SLRS) aims to provide opportunities where students can apply subject-specific knowledge to the real world, while collaboration partners can benefit from the knowledge and innovation that faculty and students bring to these projects.

Innovation and entrepreneurship are central to SLRS as it is a priority for liberal arts students to understand and engage with the impact of technology on the humanities, and vice versa. Innovation and entrepreneurship can give new impetus to community service and capacity building, and through this, the making of global citizenship for the 21st Century.

All 4-year curriculum undergraduate students starting from the 2016- 17 academic year must satisfactorily complete at least one S-L course to meet graduation requirement.

This booklet highlights popular courses with S-L components. Students wishing to experience the best of S-L should plan early and act quick while places are available.

Publication Date



Office of Service-Learning, Lingnan University


Hong Kong


Service Learning

Recommended Citation

Office of Service Learning, Lingnan University (2017). Service-Learning Times: Programme booklet 2017/18 semester 1. Hong Kong: Office of Service Learning, Lingnan University.

Service-Learning Times : programme booklet 2017/18 semester 1
