
Creation Date
李毓宏於1941年6月26日 (民國29年度) 獲頒化學獎獎狀, 表揚其化學科成績優良。證書由校長李應林及教務長朱有光簽發。
另附「領受廿九年度各種獎品者」名單,記有「化學獎 李毓浤」。同名單還包括各分科得獎者、中華斐陶斐勵學會會員當選人、榮譽獎學金者及第一屆國專科以上學校生學業競試 - 決選生領受教育部獎金及獎狀者。
The certificate of Lee Yuk Wang, awarded by Lingnan University on 26 June 1941, for his excellency in Chemistry. The certificate was issued by the President, Dr. Lee Ying Lam, President, and Registrar, Chu, Y. K.
A supplementary name list of award or scholarship receipts for the year 1940 (Min Quo 29) is attached with this record for reference.
Lingnan University, Award Certificate, academic excellency
Inscriptions (from right to left)
Signature of persons who issued the certificate:
校長李應林 (朱文方印)
教務長朱有光 (朱文方印)
Translation: President, Dr. Lee Ying Lam (square intaglio)
Registrar, Chu, Y. K. (square intaglio)
Date: 中華民國三十年六月廿六日
Translation: 26 June, Minguo [ROC] 30
Seal on the date: 廣州私立嶺南大學鈴? (朱文方印)
Translation: Lingnan University, Guangzhou (square intaglio)