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The “Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2012” indicates a slight slip of Hong Kong people’s happiness index to 70.5, from 71.3 last year on a scale of 0-100. As before, females continue to command a premium over males in happiness, and older people tend to be happier.

Both work pressures, particularly excessively long hours, and financial pressures are important causes of unhappiness among Hong Kong people. According to the survey results, low-income families are generally less happy than those better off. The lowest happiness score, at 66.9, however, goes to the sandwich class with monthly income from HK$30,000-39,999 per month.

Satisfaction with public policy, and particularly the satisfaction with the public healthcare system, has improved. The former rose from 4.69 last year to 4.77 on a scale of 0-10, while the latter rose noticeably from 5.67 to 6.18 - a satisfactory level. However, respondents still considerthe quality of public policy, though improved, as slightly unsatisfactory (as their satisfaction score stays below 6).

Four key determinants of happiness, namely Love, Insight, Fortitude and Engagement (LIFE) were also surveyed. This year the scores for Insight and Engagement have slipped, Fortitude edgedand Love soared (Please see Table 1 in Appendix),suggesting that Hong Kong people are mostly loving and resilient, but may need more wisdom and a greater sense of purpose in their lives.

The Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2012is the eighthin the series. A total of 926respondents aged 21 or above were interviewed by telephone through random sampling on 8-13 November.






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Press Release

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Recommended Citation

Ho, L. S. (2012). Hong Kong Happiness Index Survey 2012. Retrieved from
