Document Type

Paper Series

Publication Date



13 (2007)


This working paper is based on the findings of the 2002 film screening cum focus group discussions amongst the young and the old organized by APIAS. Using the visual media: Hong Kong film in the 1960s as a media, the present project intends to explore the family as the social arena in addressing parent and children’s contrasting views on love, marriage and its impact on their parent-child relationships. The project also aims to shed light on ways in promoting intergenerational communications via structured intergenerational programmes.

Project Objectives

1. To explore the ‘gap’ between the young (born in the 1980s) and the old (born in the 1940s) in terms of their attitude towards love; marriage (pre-marital sex and martial relationship) and parent-child relationship.

2. To explore the impacts of these views on the interactions and communications in the young-old relationships.

3. To reflect the ways in handling ‘intergenerational programme’ that aim to promote young-old interactions and dialogue.

Paper Series No.

APIAS Working Paper Series No.13 (2007)

Recommended Citation

Luk, K. L (2007). Bridging the 'generation gap': Understanding cross-generations' views through the visual media of the 1960s (APIAS Working Paper Series No.13). Retrieved from Lingnan University website:
