
APIAS Newsletter is launched to provide a channel for the public to understand the latest development of the ageing population and how Asia-Pacific Institute of Ageing Studies stried to tackle any existing or potential problems holistically through research, course development and programmes.

This newsletter can also serve as a platform amongst the professionals and academia from different backgrounds to exchange information and opinions over a wide range of ageing issues while sharing their rich experiences in elderly related services and research.

Through communication, we believe the day we achieve our common goal in creating a "society for all ages" is not far away.

Current Volume: Volume 6 (2015)


《亞太老年學研究中心通訊》第六 期頁9〈家居改善減危險,原址安老樂頤年〉一文,頁9就有關「長者住安心計劃」適用對象誤植為「65歲」(英文版同誤),正確數字應為「60歲」。

同文,英文版將香港房屋協會的合 作伙伴誤譯為「Institute of Surveyors Building Surveying Cooperation」,正確英 文名 稱應為「The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors」。

就以上筆誤,特此更正,並向房協 及香港測量師學會致歉。

Correction Notice

Regarding to the article of “Ageing-in-place: Home Enhancement to Give Elderly a ‘Dream Home’” located in page 9 of APIAS Newsletter Vol. 6, viewers should take note to the information error regarding to the eligible age to apply the Elderly Safe Living Scheme which should be 60 years old instead of 65 (Same error also found in the Chinese version).

In the same article, the collaboration partner of Hong Kong Housing Society should be “The Hong Kong Institute of Surveyors” instead of “Institute of Surveyors Building Surveying Cooperation”.

APIAS apologises for any inconvenience these may have caused to HKHS and HKIS.

Chinese Articles


人老就退休? : 以彈性退休解勞動人口老化挑戰
Wai Yee, Annie NG (吳慧儀); Wai Sun, Derek CHUN (秦偉燊); and Chun Yin, Edwin FOK (霍雋彥)


從「醫人」到「醫國」: 濟世為懷的梁智鴻醫生
Chun Kiu, Tony LAI (黎俊翹) and Wing Chung, David CHAN (陳永聰)


子非魚,焉知魚樂乎? : 重訪女性發展需求
Man Yin, Emily CHAN (陳敏燕) and Wenyu, Angel GAO (高文彧)


家居改善減危險 原址安老樂頤年
Man Yin, Emily CHAN (陳敏燕)


退休準備 : 豐儉不由人
Wai Sun, Derek CHUN (秦偉燊) and Wai Yee, Annie NG (吳慧儀)


婆婆的原宿 : 遊日本看銀髮市場
Pak Hang, Eric TANG (鄧伯鏗)


持續學習,助己助人 : 傑出第三龄人士湯潔霞女士分享
Kit Ha TONG (湯潔霞) and Man Yin, Emily CHAN (陳敏燕)

English Articles


Must I retire? : Optional retirement as a solution to ageing workforce
Wai Yee, Annie NG; Wai Sun, Derek CHUN; and Chun Yin, Edwin FOK


Do you know what I want? : Revisiting women development needs
Man Yin, Emily CHAN and Wenyu, Angel GAO


Retirement planning : money matters
Wai Sun, Derek CHUN and Wai Yee, Annie NG