圓桌參與團體 NGOs at Roundtable

紫藤是由一群關心婦女權益的人士組成,關注女性性工作者的權益狀況,主要服務本地及 由中國大陸來港從事性工作的婦女。工作範圍涵蓋:外展:提供二十四小時法律等支援服務; 出版:本地法律及各種社會資源資訊; 研究:探討性工作婦女的處境和需要及相關性工作 者政策及法例等; 及社會教育:改善大眾對性工作者的態度。
Founded by a group of women of different working experiences including social workers, labor activists, researchers specializing in women studies and church workers and who are concerned about the rights and situation of women sex workers. We provide supports for woman sex workers in Hong Kong, with the majority from Mainland China. Our key activities include: 1. Outreach: building contacts with sex workers, providing them information on health,legal rights and other resources, and in networking and building up a mutual support system. 2. Basic support and service: include medical checks, legal supports and hotline. 3. Research: On the situation and needs of sex workers, policies of other countries on sex workers, and on sex workers and occupational health. 4. Social education: Through publication, audio-visual production, and activities such as university talks and seminars, we seek to change the public attitude on sex workers and the industry. 5. Advocacy: through cooperating with different concerned parties, we aim to change the repressive law and policy related to sex workers.

姐姐仔會 JJJ Association
姐姐仔會是從事「一樓一」的女性性工作者組成的自助、互助組織。我們致力建立彼此支 援的平台,團結姊妹的力量,抵抗暴力侵害及爭取平等權益; 發展生活空間及自我覺醒與 成長的能力,使姊妹們身心靈健康發展。藉著姊妹的經驗推動公眾教育,以減低社會人士 對性工作者的誤解及歧視,共建多元、共融及開放的社會; 我們的工作: 外展探訪,交換行 內有用資訊,建立同輩互助網絡,抵抗困境及暴力; 小組活動及增值課程:藉各式小組活 動及增值課程連結性工作者,擴闊其生活空間及建立團結力量; 公眾教育及義工訓練:與 不同機構合辦工作坊、講座、義工訓練,藉性工作者的親身分享,消除公眾對她們的歧視; 支援服務:免費法律諮詢、快速性病檢查、心靈關懷、服務轉介、出版行內通訊資料。
JJJ Association is a self-help and mutual-support organization formed and run by female sex workers. We work with other NGOs to build a platform of support for sex workers and related organizations, to share resources and experience in combating violence and promoting equality for sex workers in society. We have been working to provide space and other support for sex workers’ personal development. Education has also been our major mission. Through public education program, we seek to curd discrimination and misunderstanding in society by sharing the experience of our sisters, in order to help make the society a more open and accepting towards diversities.

青躍 Teen’s Key
青躍於 2010 年在紫藤的支持下成立,直接支援參與性工作的青少女,同時亦為公眾提供性 與性別意識教育。為回應這一代的青少女需要,我們希望透過工作坊、小組工作等引導她 們認識自我,建立正確的性別意識價值觀,並提升她們於兩性關係的自我保護能力。我們 希望可以成為先鋒的角色,為青少年性工作者提供最切合他們的支援服務,協助她們探索 未來路向;及透過不同的公眾教育,消除社會人士對從事性工作行業的人,特別是青少年 性工作者的標籤。
Teen’s Key is established in 2010, with the support from Zi Teng. Teen’s Key’s primary goal is to support young female sex workers, and also to raise gender awareness in society through sex and gender education. We realize that teenage girls nowadays are deeply influenced by myths and stereotypes in society about their bodies and sex, and lack knowledge about self-worth and autonomy over their bodies. For this, we have been organizing workshops and work-groups focusing on self-discovery and gender awareness, so that they can better situate and protect themselves in relationships. We believe that teenage girls have the right, and should be given the space, to understand and explore their own gender and sexuality. We hope to play the role of pioneers, to offer young sex workers the most suitable support and services, to help them explore future paths; through various public education programs, we hope to eliminate labels attached to all sex workers, especially those attached to young sex workers.

午夜藍 Midnight Blue
午夜藍是由紫藤男性性工作者小組發展而成的獨立組織,2006 年中,男性性工作者小組脫 離紫藤,獨立註冊成為支援男性性工作者組織,由一班關注性工作者議題的人士如勞工工 作者,及性/別研究學者所組成。宗旨是維護男性性工作者權益,推動性別平等,及開展 男性性工作者愛滋病防治的工作。主要工作包括外展工作、組織工作、健康支援、政策倡 議及社會運動參與。
Midnight Blue was founded in August 2005, by a group of male sex workers, labor rights supporters, scholars in gender studies and people who are concerned with sex worker rights. Midnight Blue is a non-government organization endeavoring to build a male sex worker support network in Hong Kong and Shenzhen, China. Prior to registering as an independent organization in 2006, Midnight Blue started as a male sex worker task force within Zi Teng, out of the concern for the increasing population of male sex workers and the HIV infection rate in the gay community. Our work includes outreaching to MSWs (male sex workers) at their actual work place and through the internet, to provide assistance for problems they encounter in their professional lives; providing training courses that range from massage skills to work-related legal knowledge; publishing bulletins on regular basis to advocate for a safer working environment and the elimination of MSWs’ dangers at work, running aa emergency 24-hour Hotline for MSWs, transgender sex workers and cross-dressing sex workers; operating a Drop-in Center to provide a space for MSWs's self-development; enhancing work protection by providing free, strictly anonymous and confidential HIV/Syphilis rapid testing services to MSWs; offering legal consultation service for MSWs and assisting MSWs to understand relevant legal processes; and engaging in advocacy work in AIDS/HIV prevention work, AIDS treatment and care, related medical policy, and law reform of sex work. We are also one of the organizing parties of Hong Kong Pride parade, core member of For My colours (sex right concern group), as well as in movements that concerns labor rights and other related issues.

深圳市半枝蓮資訊諮詢中心 Women’s Network and Training Centre, Shenzhen (Ban Zhi Lian)
深圳市半枝蓮資訊諮詢中心是一個關注女性性工作者的公益機構,我們認為性工作是一份 工作,每個女性都有對自己的身體有自主的權利。無論任何職業、階層、種族,人人生而 平等,不應該受到歧視。中心的宗旨為:1. 女性的身體自己做主;2. 性工作除罪化;3. 消 除對性工作的一切污名。 新浪微博: @ 與姐姐有關
Ban Zhi Lian Information Centre (Shenzhen) is an NGO focusing on the rights and well-being of female sex workers. We believe that sex work is work, and every woman has the rights to her own body. Regardless of occupation, class, race, everyone are born equal, and be free from discrimination. Our beliefs are: 1. Every woman should have autonomy over her own body. 2. De-criminalization of sex work. 3. De-stigmatization of sex work. www.sw1217.com

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