與會者簡介 Participants’ Biographies
陳清僑 Stephen Ching-kiu CHAN
嶺南大學文化研究系教授、群芳文化研究及發展部主任,目前帶領文化研究、教育、身分 與政策研究等相關研究計畫。現任「國際文化研究學會」監事。近年關注文化政策及教育、文化政治及創意企業等。
Professor of Cultural Studies and the Director of Kwan Fong Cultural Research and Development Programme at Lingnan University, Chan leads and oversees projects in cultural research, education, as well as identity and policy studies. He has been a Board member of the international Association for Cultural Studies representing the Asia constituency. His current range of scholarly interests covers cultural policy and education, cultural politics and creative enterprises.
陳允中 CHEN Yun-Chung
Assistant professor of Department of Sociology of Hong Kong Baptist University. His research interests are innovation studies, culture-creative industries and critical urban studies.
鄭亘良 Keng-Liang CHENG, Ted
嶺南大學文化研究系博士生,碩士畢業於台灣中央大學英文系。目前研究港臺社會運動與 民主化,碩士論文則研究台灣反人口販運運動的流變、治理術、與對性工作的社會排斥。 他是台灣文化研究學會與台灣社會研究學會會員,同時參與台灣性工作團體日日春與人民 民主陣線政治運動。
PhD student in Cultural Studies at Lingnan, MA in English at National Central University in Taiwan. Current research centers on comparing between social movements and democratic discourses in Taiwan and Hong Kong. His MA thesis focused on studying the transformation of governmentality, civil society, prostitution and anti-human trafficking movements in Taiwan. A member of Cultural Studies Association in Taiwan and Association for Taiwan Social Studies, he also volunteered for Taiwan’s sex work support group NGO COSWAS and the local political movement Popular Democracy Front.
鄭詩靈 Sealing CHENG
香港中文大學人文學系副教授。其性學研究主要集中在性工作、人口販賣、婦女運動和政 策制定。鄭教授的著作: On the Move for Love: Migrant Entertainers and the U.S. Military in South Korea,榮獲2012年美國社會學協會傑出著作獎 (性類別)。
Associate Professor of Department of Anthropology of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her research is focused on sexuality with reference to sex work, human trafficking, women’s activism, and policy-making. Her book, On the Move for Love: Migrant Entertainers and the U.S. Military in South Korea (University of Pennsylvania Press 2010) received the Distinguished Book Award of the Sexualities Section of the American Sociological Association in 2012.
丁乃非 Naifei DING
美國加大柏克萊分校比較文學博士,台灣中央大學英文系特聘教授,性/別研究室成員。 主要學術研究領域為性/別研究、文化研究、小說理論、女性主義之性別政治。著作有 Obscene Things: Sexual Politics in Jin Ping Mei,《罔兩問景︰酷兒閱讀攻略》(與劉人鵬、白瑞梅 合著)。
Distinguished Professor at Department of English and a member of the Center for the Study of Sexualities at National Central University in Taiwan. Research focuses on cultural studies, literary theory and politics in feminism. Author of Obscene Things: Sexual Politics in Jin Ping Mei (Duke, 2002) and co-author of Penumbrae Query Shadow: Queer Reading Tactics (Taiwan: Center for the Study of Sexualities, NCU, 2007).
麗莎杜根 Lisa DUGGAN
紐約大學社會與文化分析教授,著有《莎芙狂刀:性、暴力與美國現代性》與《平等的黎 明或黃昏?新自由主義、文化政治與對民主的攻擊》,與 Nan Hunter 合著《性戰:性異議 與政治文化》,並與 Lauren Berlant 合編《我們的莫尼卡萊文斯基、我們自己:克林頓外遇 與國家利益》。最近合編女性主義電子書特輯《新酷兒議程》。目前正在撰寫關於婚姻政治 的書,名為《危險親密》,同時也正在研究俄裔美國哲學家、小說家艾茵蘭德,以及貪婪的 政治。
Professor of Social and Cultural Analysis at New York University. Author of Sapphic Slashers: Sex, Violence and American Modernity, and Twilight of Equality? Neoliberalism, Cultural Politics and the Attack on Democracy; co-author of Sex Wars: Sexual Dissent and Political Culture, and co-editor of Our Monica, Ourselves: The Clinton Affair and National Interest. Most recently, co-editor of A New Queer Agenda, a special e-book edition of The Scholar and the Feminist Online. Currently at work on a book about marriage politics, Precarious Intimacies, and another on Ayn Rand and the politics of greed.
何式凝 Petula S.Y. HO
香港大學社會工作與社會行政學系副教授。與曾家達合著《情欲、倫理與權力:香港兩性 問題報告》(香港大學出版社,2013)。2007 年開始寫自傳,《我係何式凝,今年五十五 歲》,2013 年得以面世。
Associate Professor in the Department of Social Work and Social Administration at the University of Hong Kong. She published Sex and Desire in Hong Kong (HKU Press, 2012) with A. Ka Tat Tsang. Her memoire I am Ho Sik Ying, Age 55 (2013) was published by Joint Publishing.
荷安柏是知名的運動組織者、紀錄片工作者、藝術家及公共知識份子。目前與美國巴納德 學院婦女研究中心合作,負責運動推展。曾擔任紐約追求酷兒經濟正義的組織的創始成員 及領導人、美國芝加哥服務老年 LBTI 女性同志的組織領導人、美國全國男女同志工作小組 的資深策略員、全美老年同志服務倡議小組的領導人。曾於男同健康危機組織(GMHC) 內的女同志愛滋計畫當召集人及女性服務小組召集人達七年,也曾擔任紐約市愛滋人權委 員會的愛滋教育小組召集人。對學術貢獻甚豐,目前擔任紐約市立大學同志研究中心董事, 更是著名學術刊物 GLQ 編輯委員,因在女性健康議題上的卓越成就而獲頒 Dr. Susan B. Love Award 獎,其個人專書《我的危險欲望:酷兒女夢想歸家》早成女性主義經典。她製作並 合導女性情慾和愛滋的紀錄片《愛知核心》,在全美公共電視放映。她強調要從不同角度和 眼光來看事物,特別要著眼於種族、階級、性別,和性的交會及其中的複雜糾葛。
A well-known activist, artist, public intellectual, and community organizer, currently activist fellow at Barnard College, working with the Barnard Center for Research on Women (BCRW). Formerly Director and a founding member of Queers for Economic Justice (QEJ). Previously Chief Officer of Elder & LBTI Women’s Services at Howard Brown Health Center in Chicago, Senior Strategist for the National Gay and Lesbian Taskforce, Director of National Initiatives at SAGE — Services and Advocacy for GLBT Elders. Before joining SAGE, she spent seven years at Gay Men’s Health Crisis (GMHC) as Director of the Lesbian AIDS Project. Prior to that, she had been the Director of Education for the New York City Commission on Human Rights, AIDS Division. Author of My Dangerous Desires – A Queer Girl Dreaming Her Way Home, and the director and co-producer of The Heart of the Matter, a documentary film focusing on women’s sexuality, denial, and risk for HIV and AIDS.
黃道明 Hans Tao-Ming HUANG
英國薩克斯大學媒體研究博士,台灣中央大學英文系副教授、性/別研究室成員。著有 Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan (Hong Kong University Press, 2011),其中譯版《酷兒政 治與台灣現代「性」》(2012)由中央大學出版中心與香港大學出版社聯合出版。編有《愛 滋治理與在地行動》(中壢,中央大學性/別研究室叢書,2012)。目前從事台灣的愛滋文 化研究。
PhD in Media Studies, University of Sussex; Associate Professor at English Department of National Central University, Taiwan, where he is also affiliated with the Centre for the Study of Sexualities. Author of Queer Politics and Sexual Modernity in Taiwan (Hong Kong University Press, 2011) and the editor of AIDS Governance and Local Actions (Centre for the Study of Sexualities, 2012). Currently working on a book project on the cultural politics of AIDS in Taiwan.
許寶強 HUI Po-keung
嶺南大學文化研究系副教授、文化研究碩士課程主任(2005-2009)。著有《告別犬儒》(香港 牛津出版社,2009、2012) 、《資本主義不是什麼》(香港牛津出版社,2002;上海人民出 版社,2007)、《富裕中的貧乏 -- 香港文化經濟評論》(香港進一步出版社,2003);合編「 社會/文化譯叢」共六本(香港牛津出版社和北京中央編譯出版社)。研究興趣包括文化經濟 學、教育與文化研究、資本主義和市場歷史等,現正從事香港教育改革的研究和發展工作。
Associate professor of the Cultural Studies Department and the Programme Director of the Master of Cultural Studies Programme at Lingnan University, Hong Kong. His main research interests are education and cultural studies, cultural economy and history of capitalism and markets. He has co-edited the 6 volumes of Cultural and Social Studies Translation Series, jointly published by Oxford University Press (Hong Kong) and Bianyi Chubanshe (Beijing). He is the author of Farewell Cynicism, Hong Kong Oxford University Press, 2009 & 2012, and What Capitalism is Not, Hong Kong Oxford University Press, 2002, Shanghai Renmin Chu Banshe, 2007. He is now working on several research and development projects on education reform in Hong Kong.
殷美琪 Mikee INTON
殷美琪從馬尼拉的菲律賓大學畢業,主修組織溝通,及後於馬尼拉亞典耀大學修畢傳理系 的碩士學位,現於香港嶺南大學文化研究系攻讀博士。她曾於菲律賓大學大眾傳播學院任 教,任職傳播研究系助理教授,現為菲律賓跨性別女性協會的董事局成員。
Graduate of the University of the Philippines Manila with a degree in Organizational Communication, she completed her Master’s Degree in Communication at the Ateneo de Manila University, and is currently a PhD student in Cultural Studies at Lingnan University. Formerly an assistant professor at the Department of Communication Research at the University of the Philippines’ College of Mass Communication, she is currently a Board Member of the Society of Transsexual Women of the Philippines (STRAP Kababaihan, Inc.).
葉蔭聰 IP Iam-Chong
嶺南大學文化研究系高級講師,積極參與香港獨立媒體運動及組織,例如獨立媒體(香港)。 研究興趣包括城市研究、社會運動、當代中國思想史及非西方處境下的新自由主義。出版 過有關香港民主運動、歷史文化保育運動及珠江三角洲地區的城市變遷與階級構成的學術 論文。現在正在廣州研究非政府組織與新自由主義,以及香港的民粹主義及歸屬政治。
Senior Lecturer of Cultural Studies at Lingnan University, Ip has been involved in Hong Kong’s independent media movement and organization such as Hong Kong In-media. Research interests include urban studies, social movement, contemporary Chinese intellectual history and neoliberalism in non-western contexts. Currently conducting research on NGOs and neoliberal subject in Guangzhou and populism and politics of belonging in Hong Kong, he has published articles on Hong Kong democratic movement, historical preservation movement and urban changes and class formation in the region of Pearl River Delta.
江紹祺 Travis Shiu-Ki KONG
香港大學社會學系副教授,主要教授性/別、媒體及文化研究。並為香港大學社會科學碩士 課程「媒體、文化及創意城市」的課程主任。作為社會學家,江批判地引用西方當代理論, 透過各種研究項目如中國大陸和香港的同性戀社群、性工業以及性文化等,發展一套在地 的理論,了解中國人的性、性別、欲望、身份及親密關係等議題。文章散見於書籍、百科 全書、及學術刊物如 Body & Society; Sexualities; Gender, Work and Organization; Deviant Behavior; Critical Asian Studies; Lancet; and AIDS Care。個人著作有 Chinese Male Homosexualities: Memba, Tongzhi and Golden Boy (Routledge, 2011)。現為學術期刊 Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society 的編輯。
Associate Professor in Sociology at The University of Hong Kong, where he teaches gender, sexuality, media, and cultural studies. Research interests are Chinese homosexuality and masculinity, prostitution in Hong Kong and China, and transnational Chinese sexuality. To date, his articles have appeared in books, encyclopedias, and journals such as: Body & Society, Sexualities, Gender, Work and Organization, Deviant Behavior, Critical Asian Studies, Lancet, and AIDS Care. Editor of Sexualities: Studies in Culture and Society and author of Chinese Male Homosexualities: Memba, Tongzhi and Golden Boy (Routledge, 2011).
谷淑美 Agnes Shuk-mei KU
谷淑美是香港科技大學社會科學部副教授與人文社會科學院副院長,同時也是美國耶魯大 學文化社會學中心成員。其研究領域為文化社會學、公民社會、香港文化與政治、性別、 城市空間。著作包括《香港移動:製造全球人口》(與蕭鳳霞合編)、《重新製造香港公 民權:社群、國族與全球城市》(與潘毅合編)。
Agnes Shuk-mei Ku is Associate Professor of Social Science and Associate Dean of the School of Humanities and Social Science. She is also a Faculty Associate in the Center for Cultural Sociology of Yale University. Her research interests are cultural sociology, civil society, Hong Kong culture and politics, gender issues, and urban space in Chinese cities. Recent publications include Hong Kong Mobile: Making a Global Population (with Helen F. Siu), and Remaking Citizenship in Hong Kong: Community, Nation, and the Global City (with Pun Ngai).
羅永生 LAW Wing-Sang
Assistant Professor at Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University. Books include Collaborative Colonial Power: The Making of the Hong Kong Chinese (HKU Press, 2009).
李小良 LI Siu-leung
Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Cultural Studies, Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
李林彬彬 LIN Binbin
畢業於中華女子學院社會工作專業,現於香港理工大學讀社工碩士,就職於深圳市半枝蓮 信息咨詢中心,主要為深圳的低收入女性性工作者提供服務。
Lin Binbin, born in 1984, graduated from the Social Work Program at China Women’s University. Currently studying at the Master of Social Work Program of Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and working at the Ban Zhi Lian Information Centre (Shenzhen), serving mainly low-income female sex workers in Shenzhen.
甯應斌 (卡維波) Yin-Bin NING
國立台灣中央大學哲學研究所特聘教授,《台灣社會研究季刊》總編輯,美國印第安那大學 哲學博士。著有《民困愁城:憂鬱症、情緒管理、現代性的黑暗面》(與何春蕤合著)、《性 工作與現代性》、《賣淫的倫理學探究》、《性無須道德:性倫理與性批判》、《身體政治與媒 體批判》。
Distinguished Professor of Graduate Institute of Philosophy at National Central University in Taiwan. Chief Editor of Taiwan: Radical Quarterly of Social Studies. Trained in analytical philosophy and philosophy of science in Dalhousie University, Canada (M.A.) as well as Indiana University, USA (Ph.D), Professor Ning has been publishing widely in recent years on gender/sexuality theories and critical social theories. His book titles include People in Trouble: Depression, Emotion Management and the Dark Side of Modernity (co-author: Josephine Ho), An Ethical Inquiry Into Prostitution, Sex Work and Modernity, and Body Politics and Media Criticism.
邵志明 Anthony Chi Ming SIU
,現活於恒生管理學院英文系和港大比較文學。著有《建異: 非個人情感與新酷兒光影》
。喜歡閱讀電影、心理分析、酷兒論、歐陸思哲等。在婆娑修行的同時,試用一輩子的時 光活出幾輩子的風光。
Studied Comparative Literature in University of Hong Kong and received his Ph.D. in English from SUNY, Buffalo. He has taught at HKU SPACE, HKCC, HKAPA, Lingnan, HSMC, and HKU. Publications include: Architectural Grotesque: Impersonal Affects and New Queer Cinematic. His research interests include psychoanalysis, queer theory, continental philosophy, and literatures. Current fetish includes political theology and the works of Giorgio Agamben.
小美 Siu Mei
,在社會上普遍被認為不道德、不自愛的職業。以前做過工時長薪水底的服務業,後來離 婚,獨力供養兒子,在黃色場所工作常常被待薄,不可以挑客,也要跟馬夫打好關係,否 則可能連衛生紙也拿不到一卷。轉營一樓一鳳姐後,賺錢較多,經濟獨立,工時自由,可 以隨時拒絕不合理的客人,身體與心靈都很快樂。在性工作中,得到前所未有的自由、自 主、友情及愛情。對恩客身兼不同角色:有時像母親,用身體和言語安慰在外吃苦的孩子
,用柔情和甜蜜滋潤得不到愛情的獨身漢。自己也建立了一段穩定的感情,從這些來來往 往的訪客之中。「很多男生廿幾歲都交不到女朋友,這個時候男生的性慾是最強的嘛,他 們很可憐呢!」
Very hot figure, self-employed professional sex worker. Used to work in the service sector, with extremely long working hours and low wages. Later on she got divorced, and had to raise her son alone. She turned to work in the sex industry but had no autonomy over choosing customers. After switching to the “one household, one prostitute” business model, she earns more, and is more independent financially. This newly-gained freedom, autonomy and emotional bonds with friends and customers grant her much happiness both physically and emotionally. She performs multiple roles with her clients: she is at times a mother, comforting with her body and words her child who has suffered in the outside world; at other times a best friend, listening and sharing the burdens of weary middle-aged clients; and a lover, consoling the longing hearts of lonesome men. Amongst these passers-by, she has built a stable relationship. “A lot of young men at their 20s can’t get a girlfriend, which is a really sad thing, ‘coz their sexual needs is the strongest at this age!”
鄧芝珊 Denise Tse-Shang TANG
香港大學社會學系助理教授,著有 Conditional Space: Hong Kong Lesbian Desires and Everyday Life (Hong Kong University Press, 2011)。研究領域包括城市空間、性/別、酷兒研究、明星文化、 新媒體。其研究曾發表於 GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies、Inter-Asia Cultural Studies 與 Journal of Lesbian Studies 等國際期刊。1994 年至 2003 年間曾替多個非政府組織工作,議題涵蓋反對婦女暴力、LGBT、心理衛生與愛滋等,並於 2004 年與 2005 年時擔任香港同志影展影展總監。
Assistant Professor in Sociology at the University of Hong Kong, author of Conditional Spaces: Hong Kong Lesbian Desires and Everyday Life (Hong Kong University Press, 2011). Research interests include urban spaces, genders and sexualities, queer studies, celebrity culture and new media. Articles have been published in GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, Inter-Asia Cultural Studies and Journal of Lesbian Studies. Tang worked in NGOs in the issues of violence against women, LGBT, mental health and HIV/AIDS from 1994-2003, and was the Festival Director of the Hong Kong Lesbian and Gay Film Festival (2004 & 2005).
王曉明 WANG Xiaoming
上海大學文化研究系教授,嶺南大學人文學科特聘教授,主要從事中國現代文學、當代文 化和現代早期思想研究。
Professor of Cultural Studies at Shanghai University and Distinguished Adjunct Professor of Humanities at Lingnan University. His research focuses on modern Chinese literatures, contemporary culture in Mainland China and Chinese thought in early modern times.
黃慧貞 WONG Wai Ching Angela
畢業於芝加哥大學,現任香港中文大學文化及宗教研究系副教授,兼任香港亞太研究所性 別研究中心聯席主任。近期編著包括:《華人婦女與香港基督教》(牛津大學出版社,2010) 及《性別覺醒:兩岸三地社會性別研究》(商務印書局,2012)。最新英文編著有:Gender and Family in East Asia (Routledge,2014)。現正進行香港華人伊斯蘭婦女與及宗教、性別及空間 的研究。
PhD (Religious Studies), University of Chicago, Associate Professor of Department of Cultural and Religious Studies and Co-Director of Gender Research Centre, Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her latest publications include a few co-edited volumes on Chinese Women and Hong Kong Christianity: An Oral History (Oxford University Press, 2010), Gender Studies and Chinese Society in the Twentieth-first Century (Joint Publishing, 2012), and Gender and Family in East Asia (Routledge, 2014). Her present research works on Chinese Islamic Women in Hong Kong and Religion, Gender and Space.
游靜 YAU Ching
香港大學比較文學學士、紐約惠尼獨立研讀課程畢業生、倫敦大學媒體系博士、夏威夷大學 人文學博士後。現任教於嶺南大學文化研究系,研究領域為性/別政治與電影研究等。著作 包括《我從未應許你一個玫瑰園:香港文化政治生態》(文化工房,2014)、《性/別光影:香 港電影中的性與性別文化研究》(香港電影評論學會,2006);編有《性政治》(天地,2006)等。亦為電影導演,近作有紀錄片《壞孩子》。也曾為女同學社創會同學、午夜藍執委,曾任紐約愛滋組織 GMHC 及女同志電視 Dyke TV 監製及導師、香港性工作者電影節策展等。
PhD in Media Arts from University of London, Rockefeller Post-doctoral Humanities Fellow at University of Hawaii, and graduate in Studio Art from Whitney Independent Study Program in New York. Associate Professor in Cultural Studies at Lingnan University. Author/editor of ten books including As Normal As Possible: Negotiating Sexuality and Gender in Hong Kong and China (Hong Kong University Press, 2009), Sexual Politics (Cosmos, 2006), Sexing Shadows: a study of representation of gender and sexuality in Hong Kong Cinema (HK Film Critics’ Society, 2005), and Filming Margins: Tang Shu Shuen, a Forgotten Hong Kong Woman Director (HKUP, 2004). Founding member and board member of Nutong Xueshe (LBGTI organization), formerly board member of Midnight Blue (NGO for male sex workers), guest curator for Hong Kong Sex Workers’ Film Festival, among others.
嚴月蓮 YIM Yuet Lin
路人甲 “Sex work is work.” Born to a poor family from Mainland China, Yim is the eldest sister with three younger sisters and a brother. Her father passed away when she was very small. She began working full time in an electronic factory to support her family when she was 12 before having finished her primary school education. At the age of 26 she joined the labor movement, after a labor dispute in which she and her colleague demanded compensations from their employer because of unreasonable dismissal. She worked on a wide range of issues, including protection of labor rights and interests, women workers’ rights to maternity leave, improving child-care services, capacity building for unemployed women workers, workers’ right to organize, etc. While working on labor issues, Yim witnessed how poor people suffered because of economic, social and political deprivation. In 1989, she organized the Hong Kong Women Workers Association (HKWWA) seeing how women workers were sidelined by both the mainstream labor movement and the women’s movement. In 1996, Yim and three other friends formed Zi Teng. In the past decade, Yim, as the most experienced advocate for sex workers’ rights in Hong Kong, has also worked to get many sex workers’ groups off the ground, catered for different communities. They include Midnight Blue, JJJ, Teens Key, Shenzhen Women’s Network, and organizations in various cities in China. Despite severe resources constraints, Yim and Zi Teng has been able to forge links among sex workers in the region and continue to explore new possibilities.