The syntactic and information features of English journal article titles: How do local and international journals in applied linguistics differ?
Start Date
27-3-2021 9:30 AM
End Date
27-3-2021 9:45 AM
The title is the entrance to a journal article (henceforth JA) which functions not only to introduce readers to the content of the article but also to attract them to be willing to read the entire article. Therefore, authors must write the title of their articles as informative and attractive as possible, and for this reason, they have to know how expert or experienced authors write their article titles from the view of syntactic and content features.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the similarity and differences between JA titles in Applied Linguistics written by local authors and published in Indonesian JAs and international authors published in high-ranking international journals in the same field. 298 JA titles were taken from 5 different national accredited journals published in Indonesia and 512 JA titles were taken from 5 different reputable international journals. The analyses were done on the syntactic and content features of the JA titles following Cheng (2012) and Xiang and Li (2019). The results will have an important implication for postgraduate university students and young faculty members in learning how to write articles to be submitted to a reputable international journal. With a good title, their article draft will be able to attract readers’ attention and have a better chance to be published in a targeted journal.
Recommended Citation
Arsyad, S., & Hakim, H. (2021, March). The syntactic and information features of English journal article titles: How do local and international journals in applied linguistics differ? Presented at the Postgraduate Conference on Interdisciplinary Learning: Re-Imagining Postgraduate Studies in the 21st Century and Beyond. Lingnan University, Hong Kong.
The syntactic and information features of English journal article titles: How do local and international journals in applied linguistics differ?
The title is the entrance to a journal article (henceforth JA) which functions not only to introduce readers to the content of the article but also to attract them to be willing to read the entire article. Therefore, authors must write the title of their articles as informative and attractive as possible, and for this reason, they have to know how expert or experienced authors write their article titles from the view of syntactic and content features.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the similarity and differences between JA titles in Applied Linguistics written by local authors and published in Indonesian JAs and international authors published in high-ranking international journals in the same field. 298 JA titles were taken from 5 different national accredited journals published in Indonesia and 512 JA titles were taken from 5 different reputable international journals. The analyses were done on the syntactic and content features of the JA titles following Cheng (2012) and Xiang and Li (2019). The results will have an important implication for postgraduate university students and young faculty members in learning how to write articles to be submitted to a reputable international journal. With a good title, their article draft will be able to attract readers’ attention and have a better chance to be published in a targeted journal.