
Submissions from 2003

汉字, Feng CHEN (陈枫), Peng FANG (方鹏), Xiangrong ZHU (朱湘荣), and Fei LI

高級實用中文 : 普通話語音及政府公文寫作, Dezhi HAN and Chinese Language Education and Assessment Centre, Lingnan University

再論雙語互譯文本語料的量化分析, Donghui LI

大學實用中文, Qian WANG (王倩); Siu Lam TIN (田小琳); Wai Yiu WU (胡維堯); Hualing CHEN; Ching Mei, Irene CHANG; Yuen Ying PAT (畢宛嬰); Dezhi HAN; Yifeng SUN; and Chinese Language Education and Assessment Centre, Lingnan University

Submissions from 2002

论汉语使役句, Yuanjian HE and Lingling WANG

Revisiting the use of personal pronouns (PP) and related issues in C-E/E-C translation, Donghui LI

Translation of diplomatic correspondence in the Tang China, Donghui LI

语言和文字 : 文字学, Fei LI

语言和文字 : 词汇学, Fei LI

香港嶺南大學中文離校試筆等級標準與題型研究, Zhaoxiong LIU (劉照雄), Zheming ZHONG (仲哲明), Yu Ping LIU (劉玉萍), Donghui LI, and Xiaolin TIAN (田小琳)

语言和文字 : 语法学, Maopeng MA

语言的共性和个性与汉语语言学的研究, Jian SHI (施健) and Maopeng MA

普通話教學中多媒體產品的應用及示範, Xianying WANG (王仙瀛); Yuli QUAN (全玉莉); and Ching Mei, Irene CHANG

Submissions from 2001

從翻譯學的角度看漢英對比硏究的若干問題, Donghui LI

"調侃" : 漢語修辭中"荒謬任誕"的手法, Donghui LI

"万舞"源流考, Fei LI

"血食"探源, Fei LI

《诗经》中动词"有"的配价语法研究, Maopeng MA

Submissions from 2000


說字正腔圓, Dezhi HAN

Submissions from 1998

The phenomenon of Wang Shuo : a historico-literary consideration, Donghui LI

Submissions from 1997

美國大學生漢語聲調習得順序研究, Donghui LI

對香港地區普通話水平測試的一些看法, Wai Yiu WU (胡維堯); Xianying WANG (王仙瀛); Dezhi HAN; and Ching Mei, Irene CHANG

中文机构名称的识别与分析, Xiaoheng ZHANG and Lingling WANG