AIGCS’s mission is to foster in-depth scholarly exchanges among institutions and scholars in Chinese studies throughout the world in ways that enhance Lingnan’s international prominence for integrating the finest Chinese and Western liberal arts education. With “Global” and “advanced” as its defining features, the Institute is steadfastly dedicated to pursuing global vision, promoting global collaboration, and achieving global impact in the studies of Chinese culture.

Global vision pursued by the Institute is the ideal of “Scholarly traditions of all nations belong to one family” 天下學問一家. The Institute will publish and disseminate research findings that transcend national boundaries and barriers separating Chinese-language and English-language studies and represent cutting-edge scholarship that combines the finest of the two scholarly traditions.

Global collaboration is central to each of the Institute’s seven major programs, ranging from journal publishing to book publishing, postdoctoral fellowships, symposiums and workshops, lecture series, scholars-in-residence, and knowledge transfer.

Global impact is what the Institute strive to achieve by continuously leveraging its advanced, internationally recognized platforms of publication to continuously broaden and deepen collaboration with many leading institutions as well as overseas scholars numbering in the hundreds.

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Browse The Advanced Institute for Global Chinese Studies 環球中國文化高等研究院 Collections:

Journal of Modern Literature in Chinese 現代中文文學學報

Lingnan Prism Symposium Series

中國當代作家口述歷史計劃 Oral History Project of Contemporary Chinese Authors

「中國詩學論壇」網路學術講座 "Chinese Poetics Forum" Online Lecture Series

「冷戰時期中港台文學與文化翻譯」國際學術研討會 International Conference on “The Translation of Literature and Culture in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Mainland China during the Cold War Period”

島和世界——也斯國際學術研討會 "Hong Kong and the World through Leung Ping Kwan" International Conference

嶺南大學人文學科研究中心叢書 Centre for Humanities Research : Book Publications

嶺南學報 Lingnan Journal of Chinese Studies (1999-2006)

文學與翻譯研究中心 論文叢刊 Centre for Literature and Translation Occasional Paper Series

現代中文文學評論 Review of Modern Literature in Chinese

香港現代主義的發生 : 1960年代的香港文學與文化 = The Making of Hong Kong Modernism: Hong Kong Literature and Culture of the 1960s