文舍對談 (十四)︰「萬花筒」 = ALIBI Workshop (14) : The kaléidoscope

Streaming Media

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Centre for Humanities Research, Lingnan University; La Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme (法國人文科學之家基金會); Hong Kong Literary (《香港文學》); L’Alliance Française (HK) (香港法國文化協會); La librairie Parenthèses (香港法國文化協會、歐陸法文書店)

Event Title

「兩儀文舍」中法作家文學對談 = ALIBI Rencontres littéraires franco-chinoises

Document Type





9:00 a.m. -- 1:00 p.m.


Paul S. Lam Conference Centre, AM 3/F, Lingnan University


Putonghua; French

Additional Information

「兩儀文舍」中法作家文學對談 = ALIBI Rencontres littéraires franco-chinoises

「兩儀文舍」是法國漢學家安妮.居里安教授 (Prof. Annie Curien) 發起的中法作家及譯者的文學交流活動。「兩儀文舍」法文為Atelier Littéraire Bipolaire,簡稱ALIBI,意謂「兩極文化工作室」,每次聚會均邀請中文及法語作家就命題相同的創作進行對話,並與譯者交流意見。自二零零二年,「兩儀文舍」已經在法國巴黎人文科學之家 (La Maison des sciences de l’homme) 舉辦了多次文舍對談及主題會議。二零零五年,文舍分別在上海和南京舉辦了對談及研討會,二零零七年移師香港,希望進一步促進中法作家及譯者的對話與交流。

ALIBI (Atelier Littéraire Bipolaire) initiated by a French Sinologist, Prof. Annie Curien, is a Sino-French literary exchange activity which invites Chinese and French creative writers to write on the same topic and translators render them in both languages for sharing and discussion in the form of workshop. Since 2002, over 10 colloquia have been held in La Maison des sciences de l’homme. In 2005, workshops were held in Shanghai and Nanjing . It is the first time that the ALIBI meeting takes place in Hong Kong in 2007, and it is hoped that the event will help facilitate the exchange and cross-fertilization of insights between local and French literati and scholars.

Recommended Citation

董啟章、阿爾諾.卡特琳、魏簡、劉暉 (2007,4月10日)。文舍對談 (十四)︰「萬花筒」 = ALIBI Workshop (14): The kaléidoscope [視頻]。檢自 http://commons.ln.edu.hk/videos/600
