
其他篇名 Alternative Title

Emendations to the annotated edition of Wangji, a bamboo slip manuscript of Western Han collected by Peking University

摘要 Abstract


Wangji 妄稽 is a bamboo slip manuscript of Western Han collected by Peking University. It is a difficult literary text from the Han dynasty and has become a focal point in the area of bamboo and silk manuscripts studies since it was first published in 2015. This paper makes sixty-eight emendations to the annotated edition of Wangji from three perspectives; (1) they correct the mistakes in the character recognition made in the past; (2) they further investigate and study the characters and sentences that are yet to be recognized or seemly unrecognizable; (3) they revise the punctuations of some sentences to enhance their readability. The emendations in this paper basically cover the entire Wangji in the hope that they advance a readable text.

關鍵詞 Keywords

北京大學藏西漢竹書, 《妄稽》, 釋讀, 斠正, Bamboo Slip Manuscript, Western Han, Wangji, character recognition, emendation

語言 Language

Chinese (Traditional)

備註 Additional Information

本文爲國家社會科學基金一般項目 “漢魏六朝總集編撰與文學批評” (項目編號17BZW005) 階段性成果。

版權聲明 Copyright Statement


共享創意條款 Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License

參考書目格式 Recommended Citation

許云和、鄭晴心 (2019)。北京大學藏西漢竹書《妄稽》釋讀斠正。《嶺南學報》,復刊 第十一輯,頁33-62。檢自 https://commons.ln.edu.hk/ljcs_new/vol11/iss1/2
