
Submissions from 2010

Performing global ‘news’ : indigenizing WTO as media event, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

Porn power : sexual and gender politics in Li Han-Hsiang's Fengyue films, Ching YAU


Reframing cultural studies : human rights as a site of legal-cultural struggles, John Nguyet ERNI

The migrant as a nexus of social relations : an empirical analysis, Him CHUNG and Kai Chi LEUNG

The politics of cultures is the culture of national identity politics in Taiwan : "Japan" in the nation building of Lee Teng-Hui's regime, Heung-Wah WONG and Hoi Yan YAU


Tung lo wan : a lesbian haven or everyday life?, Tse Shang, Denise TANG


Why culture matters : rethinking the language of feminist politics, Tejaswini NIRANJANA

从下而上造就社会和平发展, Kin Chi LAU

作為保守主義社會運動的宗教右派, Wing Sang LAW

借教育而行 : 论文化研究作为教学法与实用法的双重关键, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN and Po Keung HUI

再思我城的保育, Kwok Ming MA

宗教右派, Wing Sang LAW

寫在下一次金融海嘯之前, Po Keung HUI, Wing Sang LAW, and Kwok Ming MA

当代文化建设的困难和可能性, Kin Chi LAU

後語 : 寫在下一次金融海嘯之前, Wing Sang LAW

從全球性的保守主義運動看香港的宗教右派, Wing Sang LAW


從商營電台應否協助政治宣傳說起, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

從殖民到犬儒 : 香港教育故事新編, Po Keung HUI

從「民粹」中尋找「公共」的媒體教育, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

從犬儒到狗智: 當代香港的文化政治, Po Keung HUI

性別編演、操演與女子的男性氣質 : 中國傳統戲曲武旦戲的當代搬演, Siu Leung LI

我行、我歌、我创造 : 全球和平妇女在中国, Kin Chi LAU, Ling ZHAO (赵玲), and Qiong DI (狄琼)

文化教育對文化研究的挑戰, Wing Sang LAW

文化研究的關懷, Kin Chi LAU

文化研究與文化教育, Wing Sang LAW

文化研究與文化教育 : 香港經驗談, Wing Sang LAW

文研十載來時路, Wing Sang LAW

為當下懷舊 : 文化保育的前世今生, Iam Chong IP

當文化研究遇上文化保育, Iam Chong IP

當「文物保育」變成活化, Iam Chong IP

直接行動, Iam Chong IP

虚擬自由主義的終結, Wing Sang LAW

觀看中的女孩 : 凝想周美玲《漂浪青春》中小女孩的婆主體性, Tse Shang, Denise TANG; Hsin Yun PENG (彭心筠); and Chu Chu TONG (童楚楚)

重寫我城的歷史故事, Po Keung HUI

限富扶貧 : 富裕中的貧乏(新編), Po Keung HUI

青年與香港的前與後, Wing Sang LAW


高鐵運動的新啟示 : 主流/獨立、新/舊媒體的新互動, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

Submissions from 2009

변동하는 중국의 문화민족주의 : 홍콩 문화냉전의 충격들, Wing Sang LAW

Collaborative colonial power : the making of the Hong Kong Chinese, Wing Sang LAW


Daejanggeum as 'affective mobilization' : lessons for (transnational) popular culture and civil society, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG

Demand for cultural representation : emerging independent film and video on lesbian desires, Tse Shang, Denise TANG

Editorial note : grassroots power / info-rhizome, Oi Wan LAM and Iam Chong IP

Hong Kong : the rise of a new political force, Iam Chong IP

Info rhizome : report on independent media in the Chinese-speaking world (2008/09), Oi Wan LAM and Iam Chong IP


La réforme agraire et le développement nationa au Népal, Tiejun WEN and Kin Chi LAU


Mediated violence as 'global news' : co-opted 'performance' in the framing of the WTO, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG


Politics of female subjectivities and the everyday : the case of the Hong Kong feminist journal Nuliu, Shun Hing CHAN


The making of a Chinese head of the who : a study of the media discourse on Margaret Chan’s contest for the who director-generalship and its implications for the collective memory of SARS, Wai Yin CHAN and Shu Yun MA


Transported by song : music and cultural labour in Dharwad, Tejaswini NIRANJANA


War, 'incendiary media' and international human rights law, John Nguyet ERNI

West Kowloon cultural district : a place for citizenship and public cultural planning, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN


不一樣的銅鑼灣, Tse Shang, Denise TANG; Chia Min LIU; and Yun Ting WENG

京劇界最後的男旦演員 : 溫如華, Siu Leung LI

個案研究, Po Keung HUI; Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW; and Chak Sang PANG

北崑的重排《天罡陣》 : 傳統與現代文化交涉中的性別政治, Siu Leung LI

告別犬儒的文化政治 : 從中學通識的設計和教學看教改的局限和希望, Po Keung HUI

告別犬儒 : 香港自由主義的危機, Po Keung HUI


在普及與民粹之間,那裏是「公共」?, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

導讀 : 為甚麼要盤點 怎樣才算認真, Po Keung HUI

從教學方法到「學生為本」學習及教師發展的機遇, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN

抵抗的全球化, Kin Chi LAU, Samir AMIN, and Francois HOUTART

文化中介的專業化 : 在全球化時代中重譯經濟, Po Keung HUI


新政治力量 : 香港獨立媒體的發展, Iam Chong IP

旁觀者的可能 : 香港電影中的冷戰經驗與「社會主罬中國」, Iam Chong IP

(晚)殖民城市政治想像, Wing Sang LAW


现代性与中国青年论述的流变, Wing Sang LAW

甘地的思想与实践 : 与查特吉教授商榷, Kin Chi LAU

盤點IH,認真通識, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Po King CHOI (蔡寶瓊); Po Keung HUI; Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW (羅婉芬); and Chak Sang PANG (彭澤生)

社區經濟互助計劃7年成果(2001-2008)質性研究報告, Po Keung HUI

編者話 : 草根不盡, Oi Wan LAM and Iam Chong IP


缺乏主體性的國際交流 : 香港經驗談, Wing Sang LAW

草根不盡 : 華語地區獨立媒體年報, 2008/09, Oi Wan LAM and Iam Chong IP

行動研究, Po Keung HUI; Yuen Fun, Muriel LAW; and Chak Sang PANG

認真文化 : 在教育工程中認識文化研究, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN

課程內容與評核政策, Po Keung HUI

金融海嘯與我們的未來, Po Keung HUI

香港篇 : 新政治力量, Iam Chong IP

Submissions from 2008

‘우리의 로고스?’ : 장자, 데리다, 레비나스 간의 말할 수 없는 윤리학을 위한 독해, Wing Sang LAW

홍콩의 탈식민주의 정치와 문화 냉전, Wing Sang LAW


Almost under the same sky : reclaiming urbanity beyond an epidemic, John Nguyet ERNI

Chine : priorité à la croissance nationale ou à la souveraineté alimentaire?, Kin Chi LAU


Cultural studies through education : moments of pedagogy and pragmatics, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN and Po Keung HUI

Economic representation and subjectification : China and modernization, Kin Chi LAU

Embracing glocalization and Hong Kong-made musical film, Siu Leung LI


Four stories in one : environmental protection and rural reconstruction in China, Tiejun WEN and Kin Chi LAU


Hong Kong undercover : an approach to ‘collaborative colonialism’, Wing Sang LAW

Interview with M.P. Parameswaran, Kin Chi LAU


Mediating nationalism and modernity : the transnationalization of Korean dramas on Chinese (satellite) TV, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)


Performing contradictions, performing bad-girlness in Japan, Ching YAU


Teaching gender studies as cultural studies, Tejaswini NIRANJANA


Teaching versus research? Cultural studies and the new class politics in knowledge, Meaghan MORRIS

The upgrading of multinational’s regional innovation networks in China, Yun Chung CHEN

从亚洲金融危机看香港金融地产结构的困局与出路, Po Keung HUI

全球化時代的流行文化和華人文化, Ching Kiu, Stephen CHAN; Binhui LIAO; and Xiaoming WANG


《同志‧戀人》官司的啟示, Yuk Ming, Lisa LEUNG (梁旭明)

告別「懶人」常識 : 尋找多元的教育、文化、生活, Po Keung HUI

天星 : 香港意識的搖籃, Wing Sang LAW


女同志的銅鑼灣, Tse Shang, Denise TANG

希望的政治, Po Keung HUI

擺脫束縛的都市經驗與文化 : 珠江三角洲農民工家庭研究, Iam Chong IP